Board of Health - May 19, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Friday, May 19, 2017
Present: Chris Anderson, MD; Vern Bennett, Chelsey Matter, John Strand, and Mike Thorstad
Absent: Dinah Goldenberg,
Others Present: Larry Anenson, John Baird, MD; Jan Eliassen, Desi Fleming, Grant Larson, Doug Murphy, Melissa Perala, and Ruth Roman
Mike Thorstad, Vice Chair called the meeting to order.
Announcements: Meeting schedule was added to the agenda. Published agenda should have read Opiate Update instead of Legislative Update.
Approve minutes from March 17, 2017 and April 21, 2017: Chris Anderson made a motion to approve the March 17, 2017 and April 21, 2017 meeting minutes. Chelsey Matter seconded and motion carried.
Health Officer’s Report: Distributed copies and highlighted setting protocols with the NDDoH for syringe exchange program, details of Good Samaritan law, grand rounds on leprosy, and attended mass fatality training in Bismarck.
Budget Report through March: Melissa circulated March reports and said as of today all of revenue is in and we are back up to speed. City of Fargo Auditor’s office estimated expense side of the water and sewer line and is at 40 percent already. Vern asked if we had adequate nursing staff at the county jail. Desi, we could manage at 200 but the census runs 340 to 348 and the nursing staff has been able to cover necessities but are stretched thin. Trained jail staff do assist as able with med pass. Discussed implementing electronic health records in next six months, treating addiction, and detoxification.
First Quarter Statistics: Ruth handed out the report. Grant Larson explained the Environmental health food and alcohol inspection. Vern asked if marijuana inspections would be needed. Ruth said that at this point, we have not received any information and it will be handled at the state level. Discussed difference between Minnesota and North Dakota law.
Home Health Policy: Suzanne came last time and gave her report. Did some policy revisions because of the Qualified Service Provider program, and electronic charting. Discussed cost savings of dropping nursing oversight and documentation. John Strand made a motion to approve the revised Home
Health policies. Chelsey seconded and motion passed.
Opiates Update: John asked if the opiate deaths are the same as last year. Discussed how the issue has not gone away, looking at long term to make a difference and short-term interventions, Narcan numbers from Ambulance Oversight, public awareness campaign, and shortage of information on how to prevent the start of addiction. Ruth just received word that we were awarded a grant through the NDDoHS $30,000 to push take back events over the summer now. The Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Panel is hiring a full time coordinator paid for by Dakota Medical Foundation. Outpatient treatment center did open with 18 clients and has a fair amount of capacity. Vern talked about how Iceland had significantly reduced their drug program.
Accreditation Update: Justin had sent the Competency Assessment results of the employee survey and he circulated copies of the documentation gathered for Accreditation so far. He explained the breakdown of the eight domains used for the Competency Assessment and Ruth explained the survey to examine strengths and weaknesses. Discussed finding benchmark data and updating policies and procedures.
Meeting Schedule: It was proposed that we go to every other month and/or quarterly for this advisory board. The bylaws say we are required to meet quarterly. It was decided that after the budget meeting in June it would to every other month after that.
Adjournment: Next Meeting, June 22, 2017