Board of Health - March 17, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Friday March 17, 2017
Present: Chris Anderson, MD; John Baird, MD; Dinah Goldenberg, Chelsey Matter, Vern Bennett, and John Strand
Absent: Mike Thorstad
Others Present: Larry Anenson, Justin Bohrer, Aaron Johnson, Chris Ohman, Melissa Perala, Ruth Roman, and Kim Vance
Dinah Goldenberg, Chair called the meeting to order.
Approve minutes from February 17, 2016: John Strand made a motion to approve the February 17, 2017 meeting minutes. Vern Bennett seconded and motion carried.
Health Officer’s Report: Dr. Baird circulated a copy of his health officer’s report from January to March 2017. Emphasized communication activity with the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Addiction that meets every two weeks. Discussed legislation in areas of public awareness on medical detox, transitional housing, clearinghouse, and navigators. Gave highlights on each subject listed in the report. Have been asking at the Ambulance Oversight Committee meeting what will transport look like with both hospitals on the same side of town. It will be a huge shift not having a hospital on the north side of town.
Budget Report: Melissa Perala said the grants are at least a month behind. The other thing to note will be some negatives, nursing is lower, and that is due to how year-end numbers are inserted at City Hall. Ruth shared that the budget cycle will be moved ahead 4-6 weeks this year. Discussion regarding the impact to Board of Health review process that generally happens in June. Dinah Goldenberg, would we have any opportunity for adjustment. Let’s see how this plays out and make adjustments after this cycle.
Aquatic Facility Ordinance Revisions: Grant Larson, environmental health, would like Board of Health’s support and approval for the revised aquatic regulations. He gave background on looking for more consistency on the proposed CDC Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC). Chris Ohman and Aaron Johnson gave a power point and brief overview of the MAHC as our proposed regulations. The goal of this is not to close bodies of water down and would include variances for older pools. Chris Anderson asked how I would know if a pool is okay. Grant said you can just call and we will provide you a report. Chris suggested a sign be posted that this pool has been inspected and to call if there are questions. We post a sign if we close a body of water and that sign stays up until it is compliant. Dinah Goldenberg asked about workload and Grant said the new code or onsite water quality testing would not affect our staff workload. Discussed paying for laboratory tests, biological samples, significant cost of chemicals, training for pool operator certification, and grant opportunities.
Chelsey Matter made a motion to approve the Aquatic Facility Ordinance Revision. Chris Anderson seconded and motion carried.
Accreditation Update: Justin Bohrer, we have taken a week off from new measures to evaluate team processes. Next month will bring something and want to go through measures so you can feel more involved. Justin attended a week of Crisis Intervention Training through Prairie St. John’s. The training is geared for law enforcement but it is good information on how to work with people during a crisis. Talked about internal plan for other staff, increasing need for this type of training, mandatory training for our clinic staff, body alarms, emergency call lights, and standard night rule for leaving together
Legislative Issues: Ruth reported the Center for Tobacco funding has been moved to the North Dakota Department of Health. We will work to maintain the money to do the work that we are doing.
Adjournment: The next Meeting will be April 21, 2017.