
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - February 17, 2017 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Friday, February 17, 2017

Present: John Baird, MD; Dinah Goldenberg, Vern Bennett, John Strand, and Mike Thorstad
Absent: Chris Anderson, MD and Chelsey Matter
Others Present: Larry Anenson, Justin Bohrer, Grant Larson, Robyn Litke-Sall, Doug Murphy, Melissa Perala and Ruth Roman.

Dinah Goldenberg, Chair called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Ruth stated that she and Dr. Baird went to Bismarck on February 8th for Public Health Day at the capital. It was a good day for Public Health to be visible and to make connections. Dinah stated
a get-well card was sent to Jan Eliassen.

Approve minutes from January 2017: Mike Thorstad made a motion to approve the January 20, 2017 meeting minutes. John Strand seconded and motion carried.

Budget Report: Melissa presented the final budget numbers for 2016. Year ended revenue at 108% of budget and expenditures ended at 100%.

Accreditation Update: Justin Bohrer gave update on accreditation. We are in week five of collecting documentation for the Standards and Measures. Discussed timeline for submission of September or October 2017, with a review and a site visit by health professionals and academia after that. Teams are doing well. We will have a monthly update at all Board of Health meetings.

Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Addiction: Robyn Litke-Sall gave an update on the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission. Robyn stated a medical assisted treatment clinic for opioid use disorder should be open in June. Robyn then gave a power point presentation on “Treatment of Opioid Addiction”. Robyn will also have this presentation e-mailed to the board. Robyn stated Fargo Cass Public Health will be sponsoring a Naloxone Train-the-Trainer Course on March 2nd from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Fargo Cass Public Health. On March 7th the Blue Ribbon Commission on Addiction along with the Chamber will be hosting “Eggs and Issues” at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Legislative Issues: Ruth handed out 2017 Legislative Bill Tracking & the 65th Legislative Assembly Bills of Interest handouts. Ruth talked about SB 2004 ND Department of Health Budget and SB 2024 Comprehensive tobacco control program. Dr. Baird discussed SB 2320 a bill relating to syringe exchange program. Also discussed the Good Samaritan Law.

Adjournment: The next Meeting will be March 17, 2017.