
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - August 18, 2017 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Friday, August 18, 2017

Present: Chris Anderson, MD; Vern Bennett, Dinah Goldenberg, Chelsey Matter, John Strand, and Mike Thorstad
Others Present: John Baird, MD; Justin Bohrer, Desi Fleming, Grant Larson, Robyn Litke Sall, Melissa Perala, and Ruth Roman

Dinah Goldenberg, Chair called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Dr. Baird and Ruth met with the NDDoH along with regional administrators. Environmental health section is being divided into a new cabinet level. Distributed new infuser water bottles with our new vision and mission statement.

Approve Minutes: Mike Thorstad made a motion to approve the June 22, 2017 meeting minutes. Vern Bennett seconded and motion carried.

Health Officer’s Report: Dr. Baird circulated a copy of his report. Discussed distribution and transmission pipelines, state responsibility, authority given by EPA, and drones and dog inspections, and rail safety committee.

Budget Report through July 2017: Melissa reported it is all good news. More expenses in June because of grants ending. Talked about increase with clients with insurance and North Dakota insurance perspective.

Second Quarter Statistics: Grant pointed out increase in inspections and nuisance complaints. Discussed increases in Health Tracks and Ryan White.
Jail Budget Update: Ruth took the board’s recommendation from last meeting and got one-half time LPN approved for January 2018. Desi said the percentage of medications and acuity is increasing.

Substance Abuse Update: Robyn gave a PowerPoint on the Opioid Community Mobilization Update. Talked about DMF funding of coordinator for MBRCA, 211 campaign, syringe exchange program, applying for several grants, and alcohol is still biggest problem in North Dakota. Currently working on a four-month DHS prevention grant and eight-month STR grant for $180,000. STR grant is 20% prevention and 80% treatment and recovery. Chelsey talked about what Blue Cross/Blue Shield is working on for medication assistant treatment, reimbursement, and recognition that they are part of the solution. Further discussion on safe zones, community education by State’s Attorney, Good Samaritan laws, drug court capacity, and successes of the community.

Accreditation Update: Justin said we are doing well on target. Discussion on how we are continuing to put documents together, overview of domains, documentation of many community committees, and November 28 deadline. Ruth handed out new vision and mission statement. Part of the accreditation work is developing these documents. We are close to filling out our values and make that a part of this document. Dinah and board members felt this was a nice job. Justin described how the first accreditation reviews the documents and then they will come and we chat with them. Board asked how quickly that is going to be nearing completion and staff felt maybe by Christmas we would know more regarding the scheduled site visit.

Next Meeting: October 20, 2017