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Arts and Culture Commission - November 15, 2022 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in Sky Commons at the Civic Center at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Deb Williams, Tracy Jordre, Jon Offutt, Joe Williams, Ann Arbor Miller, Brad Bachmeier

Absent: Monika Browne-Ecker, Tracy Walvatne

Chair Jordre called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.

Item 1: Welcome and Introductions
Member D. Williams moved to approve the Order of Agenda. Second by Member Offutt. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2: Approve Agenda and Minutes
Member Offutt moved the Minutes of the July 13, 2022 Arts and Culture Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Miller. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Discussion of October Retreat
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield provided an overview of the October Retreat. Discussion occurred on the public art program and processes, community connection and vision, and future program and project funding.

Item 4: Introduction of work and meetings for 2023
Ms. Crutchfield proposed a new meeting format and quarterly meeting schedule for 2023. She also shared a draft project summary for an upcoming work activity.

Item 5: Prioritize 2023-2024 Project Activity
Rachel Asleson and Anita Hoffarth, Reach Partners, introduced a short project activity to prioritize 2023-2024 work items.

Item 6: Staff Report
Ms. Crutchfield recognized Frederick Edwards Jr. for receiving the Main Street Vibrancy Community Award at the State’s Main Street Summit.

Member J. Williams announced the upcoming Indigenous Art Fair event on Saturday, November 19, 2022.

Item 7: Adjourn – Next meeting: January 18, 2023
The time at adjournment was 6:15 p.m.