Visit www.FargoArts&Culture.com for more information.
The City of Fargo envisions a livable community where integrating public art into city initiatives, neighborhood revitalization efforts and private developments is a norm; where every citizen, worker and visitor in Fargo has the opportunity to freely experience quality art and creative expression as part of their daily lives.
Established in 2015, the Arts and Culture Commission is committed to integrating art into public spaces, supporting local artists, and bringing quality art and creative expression to the Fargo community. The Commission is dedicated to citywide public art programming that promotes public art, generates public- private relationships, supports established and emerging artists, and embraces equity and cultural diversity.
Additionally, the Arts and Culture Commission makes recommendations to the City Commission regarding the commissioning and placement of public art owned by the city, and works to encourage the display of public art by all citizens, developers, and property owners.
Meeting Schedule & Location
The Commission meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month in the Commission Chambers at 225 4th Street North. Meetings are broadcast live on cable channel TV Fargo 56 and can be seen live at www.FargoND.gov/streaming. They are rebroadcast each Saturday at 4 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public. People with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and need special accommodations should contact the Planning and Development Department at 701.241.1474 or TDD at 701.241.8258. Please contact us at least 48 hours before the meeting to give our staff adequate time to make arrangements.
Learn More about Fargo Arts & Culture
The City of Fargo envisions a community where every citizen, worker and visitor has the opportunity to freely experience quality art and creative expression as part of their daily lives. The arts are thriving in the Fargo region and civic initiated public art is a growing contributor.