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Arts and Culture Commission - July 13, 2022 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, 2022.

The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Deb Williams, Tracy Jordre, Jon Offutt, Joe Williams, Monika Browne-Ecker, Ann Arbor Miller, Brad Bachmeier

Absent: Tracy Walvatne

Chair Jordre called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.

Item 1: Welcome and Introductions
Member Miller moved to approve the Order of Agenda. Second by Member J. Williams. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2: Approve Agenda and Minutes
Member J. Williams moved the Minutes of the May 18, 2022 Arts and Culture Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Brown-Ecker. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Review City Hall Panel Recommendations
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield provided an overview of the proposals for the City Hall art panels.

A brief discussion was held regarding the current proposals and the future proposal process.

Mr. Troy Becker and Mr. Brett Lysne’s proposals were presented.

Deliberation was held on Mr. Becker and Mr. Lysne’s proposals.

Member Offutt moved to accept Brett Lysne’s proposal. Second by Member Miller. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4: Arts for the Holidays Request
Chair Jordre brought forward a request by staff for funding of the second annual Arts for the Holidays event.

Member Offutt recused himself from voting.

Discussion was held regarding the attendance from the previous year’s event and how the Artists fared.

Member Miller stated more signage would help draw people in.

Member Brown-Ecker questioned if a scholarship would help artists who are unable to afford the entrance fee.

Member Brown-Ecker moved to approve the funding for the Arts for the Holidays event. Second by Member D. Williams. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 5: Subcommittee Reports
a. Capacity
No report was provided.

b. Neighborhood
Member D. Williams discussed the progress of the utility box wrap project stating the wrapping of the boxes should be happening soon.

c. Development
Chair Jordre gave an update on installing signage on past and present artwork within the community to give background on the artist and the art itself.

City Commissioner Kolpack announced her resignation from the Arts and Culture Commission, due to her newly elected role as City Commissioner.

Item 6: Staff Report
a. Onboarding and workshop scheduling for late August
Chair Jordre stated that the workshop would be potentially held at the end of August. She stated the workshop would include discussions on strategic planning and the budget for next year.

b. Project Updates
Ms. Crutchfield gave an update on the ten projects that are part of the Public Art Grants.

Ms. Crutchfield stated they are starting to do outreach with professional public art managers, locally and nationally. She noted a professional agency is needed for managing a future capital project of around $200,000.

Item 7: Announcements
Member Bachmeier stated Churches United and MSUM wrote a $20,000 LRAC grant that will bring in two artists from marginalized communities and have them train young emerging artists from the homeless shelter to create murals.

Item 8: Adjourn – Next Meeting: September 21, 2022
The time at adjournment was 5:48 p.m.