Arts and Culture Commission - January 16, 2019 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 16, 2019.
The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Arlette Preston, Deb Williams, Jon Offutt, Tracy Walvatne, Mark Johnson, Tracy Jordre, Joe Williams, Denese Odegaard
Absent: Denise Kolpack
Chair Preston called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.
Item 1: Order of Agenda
Chair Preston noted the following Agenda items:
- Item 9 will be presented before Item 2.
- Item 11 will be a discussion topic after the meeting is adjourned.
Member Walvatne moved to approve the order of agenda with the proposed changes. Second by Member J. Williams. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
*Item 9 presented
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of December 18, 2018
Member D. Williams moved the minutes of the December 18, 2018 Arts and Culture Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Odegaard. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Guido van Helten – Global Mural Artist
Planning Assistant Brittany Rakowitz reported that staff had been contacted by Hope Thier from the Blanden Memorial Art Museum in Fort Dodge, Iowa, about an opportunity to display a mural in Fargo commissioned by Guido van Helten. Ms. Rakowitz explained Mr. van Helten’s plan is to paint a mural in one city in each state of the United States, and reached out to Fargo as a possible site in North Dakota. She noted that Mr. van Helten and Ms. Thier had reviewed the Fargo Public Arts Master Plan, and our city offered sites that worked well with what he looks for in a surfaces to display his art work.
Discussion ensued regarding the cost of this project and what funding would be available, the projected timeline of the mural painting, clarification that this proposal will be open to all cities in North Dakota, and staff explaining this item is being brought before the Board for discussion only at this time.
Member Odegaard moved that staff gather further information and details regarding this project to present before the Board at the next meeting. Second by Member Johnson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 4: Re-framing Estimates: Randy Hayes
Ms. Rakowitz stated the restoration work on the Randy Hayes piece has been completed, but due to past water damage the frame needs to be replaced. She referred to two options staff included in the packet for reframing and the costs involved.
The Board discussed the value of the piece, which option staff would recommend, and if the framing should be delayed until the location to display the piece has been decided.
Member Offutt moved to approve staff’s recommendation for the basic framing option to be completed once the location for display has been determined. Second by Member Jordre. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 5: City Art Collection – Appraisal Update
Ms. Rakowitz updated the Board confirming that Mason Riddle, the appraiser approved by the Board in December, will be in Fargo the last week of January to begin this process.
Item 6: Public Art Archives – Submittal Update
Ms. Rakowitz stated that she has submitted the City’s public art collection to the Public Art Archive (, for implementation of this collection into their database and mobile website.
Item 7: Creative Capital Sponsorship – Spring Application Update
Ms. Rakowitz informed the Board a news release has been published on the City’s website announcing that the Arts and Culture Commission is accepting submissions for the Creative Capitol Sponsorship Program until the March 1 deadline.
Item 8: Capital Project Update
Ms. Elshaug reported that staff is working on securing a facilitator and determining a timeline, and will present further information to the Board at the next meeting.
Presented before Item 2
*Item 9: Artist Training Workshop Update
Chair Preston introduced Kim Citrowske, Assistant Planner for the City of Moorhead, to speak on the artist training workshop. Ms. Citrowske stated that the Moorhead Arts and Culture Commission is working with Forecast Public Art who has received a grant through the NEA for a metro wide area artist workshop. She explained that Moorhead’s Art and Culture Commission would host and lead the training workshop, and would like to partner with Fargo’s Arts and Culture Commission at a cost of $750.00 for each of the commissions. Ms. Citrowske noted the workshop will need approval of the Moorhead City Council before a date and time can be set, at which time interested artists would apply through Forecast Public Art. She stated this workshop is open to local artists at no charge.
The Board further discussed the proposal, the application process the artists would complete, and clarified that the $750.00 cost would come out of the Board’s 2019 budget dollars.
Member Jordre moved to approve the $750.00 request to be drawn from the Administrative Evaluation Research budget for 2019. Second by Member Offutt. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 10: Outreach Workshop Discussion Item - Notes
Chair Preston referred to the Boards discussion notes from the last meeting on this item, which are included in the packet as an informational piece only.
Item 11: New Ideas Discussion Item
This item will be discussed after meeting adjournment.
The time at adjournment was 5:39 p.m.