Arts & Culture Commission - June 21, 2017 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 4:00 o’clock p.m., Wednesday, June 20, 2017.
The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: David Bertolini, Arlette Preston, Jessica Jung, Deb Williams
Absent: Cassandra Miller, Netha Cloeter, Tim Lamey, Michael Olsen, Dayna Del Val
Also present were John Strand, City Commissioner
Chair Bertolini called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
A quorum is needed to approve the order of agenda; therefore, the order of agenda was neither approved nor denied.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 19, 2017
A quorum is needed to approve the April 19, 2017 meeting minutes; therefore, the order of minutes were neither approved nor denied. The April 19, 2017 meeting minutes will be brought to the next regularly scheduled meeting for action.
Item 3: Annual Report
Ms. Crutchfield, Planning Administrator, stated that the annual report is a tool that is used to highlight the master plan into a one page report for the City Commissioners and the Mayor. Mr. Bertolini noted that under program support the position changed from a staff position to a contract position. Ms. Crutchfield explains that this position would still be a City of Fargo employee and are eligible for benefits, they just are not guaranteed a position in the future.
Item 4: Update on Sudden Sculpture Park and Other City Granted Projects
Joe Burgum of Folkways presented on the Sudden Ice Sculpture Park and there plans for growing the Ice Sculpture Park this winter. Folkways had received positive feedback from the Horace Mann neighborhood.
The Arts and Culture Commission previously funded decorative bike racks which were to be placed in the City of Fargo. Meagin Elshaug, Planner, and Dan Farnsworth, Metro Cog, have been working with these artists to install the bike racks. The bike racks are intended to be installed during the August Streets Alive event.
The Commission also discussed that they would like to get an update on the Madison Park Skate Park Sculpture.
Item 5: Public Arts Master Plan Update and Communications Outreach
Ms. Crutchfield gives and overview on the Public Arts Master Plan communication strategy. Staff is looking to release the plan to the public within the next three weeks. Staff will send the Public Arts Master Plan to the commissioners for any additional comments and editing. Commissioners further discuss the timeline of the Public Arts Master Plan communication strategy.
Item 6: Public Art Possibilities
Mr. Bertolini discusses the public art possibilities. Ms. Crutchfield asks the commissioners to prioritize the public art possibilities in the Public Arts Master Plan. The intent of the Public Arts Master Plan is to bring together community and government ideas with the possibility of commissioning artists.
Item 7: New Meeting Time
Mr. Bertolini explains his conflict with the current meeting time and asks if the commissioners would be able to meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 5pm instead of the current 4pm time. Mr. Bertolini also announces that due to his conflict he will be stepping down as Chair at this time.
Item 8: Public Comments
No public comments were made at this time.
The time at adjournment was 5:10 p.m.