Arts & Culture Commission - January 18, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Wednesday: January 18, 2017:
The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 4:00 o’clock p.m., Wednesday, January 18, 2017.
The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Arlette Preston, Cassandra Miller, David Bertolini, Dayna Del Val,
Deb Williams, Tim Lamey, Michael Olsen, Netha Cloeter
Absent: Jessica Jung
Vice Chair Preston called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Mr. Olsen moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by
Ms. Cloeter. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of December 14 and December 21, 2016
Mr. Olsen moved the minutes of the December 14, 2016 and the December 21, 2016 Arts and Culture Commission meeting be approved. Second by Ms. Cloeter. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Action on The Arts Partnership’s Services for 2017
Ms. Preston introduced the agreement for The Arts Partnership’s services for 2017. It was noted the Board wants to ensure that The Arts Partnership (TAP) has seen this agreement. In response, Planning Administrator Nicole Crutchfield stated The Arts Partnership has reviewed the agreement.
Mr. Lamey moved to approve the agreement for The Arts Partnership’s Services for 2017. Second by Ms. Miller. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 4: Action on Lynn Fundingsland’s Donation
Board Members discussed that there currently is not a policy in place regarding accepting donations and would like to know what the protocol would be for this. Ms. Crutchfield suggested the Board accept one of the five photographs that have been provided to them by Curator Tania Blanich.
Further discussion was held regarding the five photographs included in the packet.
Mr. Olsen moved the Arts and Culture Commission accept the Fargo Rooftops photograph by Lynn Fundingsland. Second by Mr. Lamey. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 5: Discussion on Placement of Recently Acquired Public Art
Ms. Crutchfield asked the Board if staff should be in charge of placement in the new city hall for the three art pieces that have been acquired by the city. She stated staff plans on coordinating with the architect for the new city hall as to what the curating and art would look like in the new building.
Board Members noted they would like staff to be in charge of placement and directed staff to move forward with the architect as soon as possible.
Item 6: Discussion on Public Arts Master Plan Goals and Action Plan
Ms. Crutchfield presented the Public Arts Master Plan goals and action plan.
Ms. Preston expressed her concern that the Master Plan is moving forward without the full input of the Board.
Further discussion was held regarding the goals and action plan of the Public Arts Master Plan, as well as the direction of this plan moving forward.
Item 7: Discussion on Communications and Outreach for Public Arts Master Plan
Ms. Crutchfield informed the Board that staff will craft what the public outreach could look like for the Public Arts Master Plan, adding that staff will also reach out to local artists to gather their opinions on the Public Arts Master Plan before it is unveiled to the public.
Item 8: Other Business or Public Comments
Mr. Olsen moved to support the recommendation made by the Historic Preservation Commission at their last meeting, regarding John and Sherri Stern’s house located at 1458 South River Road. Second by Mr. Bertolini. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
The time at adjournment was 5:05 p.m.