Renaissance Zone
The original Renaissance Zone (RZ) legislation was passed by the 56th Legislative Assembly in 1999, which enabled local governments to establish Renaissance Zones and associated Renaissance Zone Funds. The legislation was signed into law on April 8, 1999 and was originally intended to be a fifteen (15) year program.
The City of Fargo signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the North Dakota Division of Community Services on December 28, 1999 and has received five (5) year extensions for the Renaissance Zone program in 2014, 2019, and 2024.
- North Dakota Century Code Chapter 40-63 (Existing Law)
- 2019-2022 RZ Memorandum of Agreement (City of Fargo/State of North Dakota)
The RZ Program is intended to encourage economic development and investment opportunities in the downtown business district. The RZ Program includes two (2) primary incentives, which included the possibility of a five (5) year property tax and State income tax exemption for qualified projects.
The original City of Fargo RZ Development Plan was approved in December of 1999 and was updated in 2014, 2019, and 2024. Five-year RZ property tax and income tax exemption benefits are only available to eligible properties that are located within the defined boundary: Renaissance Zone Boundary Map. The boundaries have changed since the inception of the RZ and currently the State allows for a maximum of 49 Blocks to be included in the RZ. Prior to submitting an application, property owners, business owners, developers or investors interested in pursuing a Renaissance Zone project should review the RZ Boundary Map, ND RZ Program Guidelines and the 2024 Renaissance Zone Development Plan.
Since inception of the program in 1999, the City of Fargo has approved over 200 RZ projects, which include a combination of new construction, rehabilitation, tenant leases and residential purchases (condominiums) projects.
For additional information or questions on the Renaissance Zone Program, please contact the City of Fargo Planning and Development Department at 701.241.1474.