4th Street S/Main Avenue Reconstruction
Zone: DowntownWhat zone am I?
Start: June 2017
Estimated Completion: Late Fall 2017

4th St/Main Ave Current Project Map

4th St/Main Ave Overview Project Map
Project Overview:
This project includes a complete roadway reconstruction and water main replacement on 4th St S. It will impact Main Avenue from 2nd St. to 4th St., and 4th St. S from Main Ave. to 2nd St. S (near the YMCA parking lot). The City of Fargo also plans to reconstruction Main Avenue in 2018 between University Drive and the Red River.
The first portion of work impacts 4th St. S near the intersection of 2nd St. S. This area will be closed with temporary access for businesses like the YMCA that do not have secondary accesses. The YMCA parking lot will be accessible for visitors at all times. Next, 4th St. S will close between Main Ave. and 2nd St. S, then lanes will be reduced on Main Ave. between 4th St. and 2nd St. Main Avenue will always have one lane of traffic open in each direction.
Construct efforts began June 20th. All work should be completed by late fall.
The pavement through this stretch of Main Ave. and 4th St. is 25-years-old. The project is needed to install a new force main and replace an existing force main, water main and sanitary sewer main. This new force main is part of one being completed from the downtown area to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Once completed, it will provide relief to the Broadway Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, which at times can be at maximum capacity during periods of wet weather flows.
Roadway reconstruction will improve pedestrian facilities and add bike lanes. New LED street lighting and traffic signals will also be added.
The estimated cost for this project is about $2.5 million. The project will be funded by a combination of:
- Sales Tax
- Water Main, Sanitary Sewer, Street Rehabilitation, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds
- Special Assessments
Assessments will be applied per City policy for the water main replacement, sanitary sewer replacement, street reconstruction, streetlights and traffic signals.
Stay Updated:
The public informational meeting for this project is scheduled for April 27th, 5:30PM, at the Fargo Public Library Community Room.
In addition to the meeting, all project background and updates will be available on FargoStreets.com, where you can sign up for project email notifications. You can also follow FargoStreets on Twitter (@FargoStreets) and Facebook for up-to-date road related information.
Project Files:
Adjacent work zone: 7th St. S
A neighboring reconstruction and water main replacement project began on 7th Street S. The project will replace the existing cast iron water main that is over 76 years old and replace the deteriorating roadway from 1st Ave. S to 5th Ave. S. Sections of this roadway were first installed in 1948.
Local resident and business access off of 7th St. S will be accessible via 8th Street S and cross streets through the area.