19th Avenue N Road Construction Projects
Zone: NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 2017
Estimated Completion: Late June 2019

Project overview image taken mid-June
Current Status:
Contractors for the City of Fargo’s 19th Avenue North road reconstruction and infrastructure improvement project reopened the roadway June 19, 2019.
Travel along 19th Avenue North between 57th Street North and 45th Street North is fully open to motorists. Crews have removed all detour routes or temporary business access along 19th Avenue N.
Project Overview:
The city is constructing a new, 5-lane roadway with new concrete, a flush median, updated utilities and street lights on 19th Avenue North from the I-29 Ramp to 57th Street North. The improvements are part of two, separate projects. One impacts 19th Avenue North between I-29 and 45th Street, including 45th Street between 16th Avenue North and 19th Avenue North. The other was from 45th Street to 57th Street. The updated utilities and new roadway will help accommodate for increasing traffic volumes and population growth in North Fargo as our city expands. A new sanitary sewer interceptor main will have an overflow structure installed and will improve the area’s sewer network.
In 2017, 19th Avenue North improvements included east portion of the roadway realignment, adding driving lanes, new concrete, a flush median, added a new sanitary sewer interceptor, updated utilities and street lights to 19th Avenue North from Interstate 29 (I-29) to 45th Street North.
In 2018, 19th Avenue North improvements included 45th Street North intersection reconstruction from 16th Avenue North to 19th Avenue North, and from west of 45th Street North to 57th Street North.
In April 2019, the contractor ended winter suspension and resumed the final area of slated roadway reconstruction and underground utility project work for the corridor. Project work is anticipated to be complete by mid- July.
19th Avenue North serves as an important roadway connecting drivers and nearby property owners to I-29. As Fargo has grown, the road became outdated and too small for increasing traffic volumes. The new 5-lane roadway will create more space and safer travel routes to keep pace with Fargo’s future growth. This project will provide the infrastructure to convert 19th Avenue North and 45th Street North from rural roadway sections to arterial urban street sections.
19th Avenue North and 45th Street North infrastructure will be funded by Special Assessments, applied per City policy. The Sanitary Sewer Interceptor modifications will be funded by Waste Water Sales Tax Funds and a majority of the railroad crossing costs will be covered by Federal and State funds.