13th Avenue Road Reconstruction & Infrastructure Improvement Project
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: April 26, 2018
Estimated Completion: Fall 2018

13th Avenue Road Reconstruction and Infrastructure Improvement Zone
Current Status:
All driving lanes through the project limits on 13th Avenue from 45th Street South in Fargo to 9th Street East in West Fargo are open to traffic.
Over the next few weeks, there will be intermittent lane closures during the day on 13th Avenue while crews continue the installation of permanent street lights through West Fargo.
Next year, crews will have minor project work in the center of the roadway to complete that will require temporary lane closures and intersection restrictions for a couple weeks in the spring.
Project Overview:
The 13th Avenue reconstruction project started in April 2018. This is a collaborative reconstruction and infrastructure project between the City of Fargo and the City of West Fargo to upgrade a major corridor from 45th Street South to 12th Street East.
For the City of Fargo, the road construction and infrastructure project will improve 13th Avenue from 45th Street to 52nd Street (17th Street East). The City of West Fargo is reconstructing 13th Avenue from the City of Fargo border, 17th Street East, to 12th Street East. This project includes the construction of a new 6-lane roadway in Fargo and 3-lane westbound and 2-lane eastbound roadway in West Fargo.
In addition to capacity improvements, the project also addresses major surface and access issues throughout this busy stretch that have developed as more drivers use the road. A new concrete roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks/shared use path, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, street lights, and traffic signals will be installed through the project limits.
This project brings increased benefit to the community and the state of North Dakota. By completing improvements this year, this will reduce potential delays in the future and create continuity between two local cities for both motorized and non-motorized modes of transportation.
The purpose of the project is to replace aging infrastructure, with a goal of improving both pedestrian and vehicular safety, and increasing roadway capacity.
Drivers, residents and businesses in the area will most likely experience temporary traffic delays during peak travel hours (7 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.). As the project progresses, there will also be shifts in traffic control and open driving lanes, temporary lane reductions, and short-term intersection closures.
Drivers will always have at least one driving lane in each direction on 13th Avenue open throughout the project. Access to adjacent roadway properties and businesses are maintained throughout the project, and drivers and pedestrians are encouraged to utilize side streets or alternate routes when possible.
Active construction began late April 2018. Project work is slated to be complete by late October 2018.
The project is being funded by a combination of local utility, infrastructure sales tax, and special assessments. The preliminary construction cost estimate is $12.7 million, and is subject to change.
Stay Updated:
The City of Fargo and City of West Fargo have hosted five joint pubic information meetings for the 13th Avenue Road Reconstruction and Infrastructure Improvement project. Notice of these meetings are sent to email subscribers and are posted on City of Fargo and City of West Fargo's social channels. The project will continue to have public meetings ahead of major traffic shifts.
In 2018, you can stay updated by:
- Attending regularly public information meetings held throughout the duration of the project.
- Sign up for project-specific email updates.
- Like the FargoStreets Facebook and City of West Fargo Facebook pages or follow FargoStreets Twitter for up-to-date information.