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Industrial Pretreatment

Industrial water users discharge processed wastewater that is often contaminated by a variety of harmful substances. Because wastewater treatment plants are not specifically designed to treat these substances, pretreatment programs are needed to eliminate potentially serious problems that may occur if these substances are discharged into the public sewer system.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires the City of Fargo to have an industrial pretreatment program. This program is designed to:

  • Prevent the introduction of pollutants into the wastewater treatment plant that interfere with the operation of the facility or be incompatible with its equipment.
  • Improve opportunities to recycle and reclaim municipal wastewater and sludge.

The pretreatment program regulates industrial facilities discharging wastewater to the Fargo Wastewater Treatment Plant. Fargo's industrial pretreatment program forbids discharges containing pollutants which may:

  • Create a fire or explosion in the treatment plant.
  • Cause corrosive structural damage to the plant.
  • Contain solid or viscous pollutants which cause obstruction of flow.
  • Cause interference with the plant's operations.
  • Inhibit biological activity.
  • Result in presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the plant which may cause worker health and safety problems

Industrial users may not haul pollutants to locations outside their facility for discharge, unless those discharge points are approved by the City of Fargo.

For more information, contact Wastewater Compliance.