
Special Assessment Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Special Assessment Monthly Project Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 16th, 2024, 8:30 AM Engineering Conference Room #E250 2nd Floor, City Hall

Special Assessment Commissioners Present: Randy Engelstad, Steve Bladholm
City Staff Present: Tom Knakmuhs, City Engineer; Dan Eberhardt, Special Assessment Coordinator; Doug Durgin, Special Assessment Coordinator; Mary Rehak, Property Owner

Meeting Commenced at 8:30 AM

Reviewed New Projects:

Other Items:
Discussed a potential front footage change brought to our attention from a single family property
owner that is benefitting from BR-24-B. A quorum decided to make a change to the procedure
to calculate front footage on SR & MRT1 lots that have been split from their original plat. The
short side of the lot will now be used in these cases.

Discussed Sunset Memorial Gardens cemetery that was special assessed Improvement District
PR-22-F in 2023. A quorum decided not to special assess this lot due to the current status of the
parcel being exclusively a cemetery. PR-22-F special assessment is to be adjusted off for this

Note SA Commissioner Dylan Dunn was unable to attend but he was contacted to discuss
the other items on the agenda by SA Coordinator Doug Durgin on 1/12/2024.

Next Meeting: February 20, 2024 at 8:30 AM, Engineering Conference Room #E250

Adjourned at 9:30 AM