Renaissance Zone Authority - December 22, 2020 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Renaissance Zone Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held virtually in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
The Renaissance Zone Authority members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Deb Mathern, Steve Swiontek, Prakash Mathew, Chad Peterson, Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Commissioner Arlette Preston
Absent: Dr. Dean Bresciani, Cari Luchau
Chair Mathern called the meeting to order.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Member Mathew moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Peterson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 22, 2020
Member Piepkorn moved the minutes of the April 22, 2020 Renaissance Zone Authority meeting be approved. Second by Member Mathew. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Review Application from Craig Enclave OG, LLC (New Construction) located at 6 and 10 6th Avenue North; 505 and 509 Oak Street North: APPROVED
Planning Coordinator Maegin Elshaug presented the staff report for a new construction project at 6 and 10 6th Avenue North; 505 and 509 Oak Street North. She summarized the details of the proposal, discussed staff’s review process, and noted the location of the project is not within the bounds of the proposed Oak Grove Neighborhood Historic Overlay District application. Ms. Elshaug stated staff is recommending approval as the proposal does meet the guidelines and all required approval criteria.
Discussion was held regarding feedback staff has received from area residents, and review of staff’s notification process to inform the public of upcoming City meetings.
Director of Strategic Planning and Research Jim Gilmour noted this property was recently rezoned upon approval from both the Planning Commission and the City Commission, and that area residents were notified as required prior to both meetings.
Mr. Gilmour and Chair Mathern addressed questions from Member Mathew regarding the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) incentive approved by the City Commission, and the request being brought today before the Renaissance Zone Authority for approval.
Ms. Elshaug affirmed the property is within the existing Renaissance Zone boundary and is eligible for the Renaissance Zone program.
Upon questions from Member Preston, Mr. Gilmour briefly reviewed the program benefits being assigned to entities involved in the project. The applicant, Austin Morris of Enclave Companies, provided further clarification of the application.
Member Piepkorn moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of the application submitted by Craig Enclave OG, LLC, and to grant the property tax exemption and the State income tax exemptions as allowed by the North Dakota Renaissance Zone law, contingent upon completion of the project and verification of costs. Second by Member Peterson. On call of the roll Members Piepkorn, Mathew, Swiontek, Peterson, Preston, and Mathern voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Luchau and Bresciani. The motion was declared carried.
Item 4: Hazardous Substance and Petroleum Brownfields Grant Work and Brownfield Advisory Committee Information
Planning Director Nicole Crutchfield presented the background on this item, and explained why staff feels the Renaissance Zone Authority would be a good fit to serve as the advisory board for the Brownfields Grant work.
Further discussion was held.
Item 5: Other Business and Public Comments
a. 2021 Renaissance Zone Authority Meeting Schedule
Chair Mathern presented the calendar for next year.
Item 6: Next Meeting – January 27, 2021
The time at adjournment was 8:25 a.m.