
Renaissance Zone Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Renaissance Zone Authority - August 28, 2019 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Renaissance Zone Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 28, 2019.

The Renaissance Zone Authority members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Dr. Dean Bresciani, Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Bruce Furness, Commissioner Tony Grindberg, Cari Luchau, Steve Swiontek

Absent: Chad Peterson, Deb Mathern

Acting Chair Piepkorn called the meeting to order.

Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Acting Chair Piepkorn moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Furness. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of June 25, 2019
Member Bresciani moved the minutes of the June 25, 2019 Renaissance Zone Authority meeting be approved. Second Member by Luchau. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Review Application from Brandt Hospitality Group (201 5th Street North) Rehabilitation: APPROVED
Planner Kylie Bagley presented this item for a proposal to rehabilitate the existing hotel at 201 5th Street North. She noted the intent is to complete extensive interior renovations beginning this fall. Ms. Bagley stated staff is recommending approval as the proposal meets the guidelines and all required approval criteria.

Upon Acting Chair Piepkorn’s request, Ms. Bagley explained the reasons for the lower scores given for criteria numbers 9 and 10 by staff, upon their final review of the project guidelines.

Applicants Chief Operating Officer Steve Martodam, and Chief Financial Officer Steve Kluvers, Brandt Hospitality Group, spoke on behalf of the application. Mr. Martodam briefly reviewed the investments they have made to-date to the structure, and noted the goal is to update the facility to a Radisson “Blue” status.

The Board discussed if there are any possible detriments to other businesses located in the building or nearby during the construction process, and the meeting capacity in the building.

Director of Strategic Planning and Research Jim Gilmour explained that this request is for the Renaissance Zone program only, and does not include or meet the criteria for the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) or Payment In Lieu of Tax (PILOT) programs.

Member Furness moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of the application submitted by Brandt Hospitality Group, and to grant the property tax exemption and the State income tax exemptions as allowed by the North Dakota Renaissance Zone law, contingent upon completion of the project and verification of costs. Second by Member Swiontek. On call of the roll Members Piepkorn, Luchau, Furness, Swiontek, Grindberg, and Bresciani voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Peterson and Mathern. The motion was declared carried.

Item 4: Discuss Renaissance Zone Plan Update
Director of Planning and Development Nicole Crutchfield referred to a memo in the packet regarding the State required update that is due at the end of this year. She noted a current Renaissance Zone Boundary Map was submitted to the Board, and reviewed staffs process and timeline as detailed in the memo for meeting the State’s deadline.

The Board further discussed specific items and documents to include for discussion and review at the next meeting on September 25, 2019.

Item 5: Discuss Updates for Renaissance Zone Applications
Ms. Bagley shared staff is working on updating the Renaissance Zone application forms to provide better clarity of the guidelines for future applicants.

Item 6: Other Business
No other business was presented.

Item 7: Next Meeting – September 25, 2019

The time at adjournment was 8:30 a.m.