Renaissance Zone Authority - September 27, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Wednesday: September 27, 2017:
The Regular Meeting of the Renaissance Zone Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 8:00 o'clock a.m., Wednesday, September 28, 2017.
The Renaissance Zone Authority members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Dr. Dean Bresciani, Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Bruce Furness, Commissioner Tony Grindberg, Cari Luchau, Deb Mathern, Chad Peterson, Steve Swiontek
Absent: None
Chair Mathern called the meeting to order.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Member Peterson moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Swiontek. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 23, 2017
Member Luchau moved the minutes of the August 23, 2017 Renaissance Zone Authority meeting be approved. Second by Member Furness. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Members Bresciani and Piepkorn present.
Item 3: Review application from DFI BG LLC (Rehabilitation) located at 115, 117, and 119 Broadway North: APPROVED
Planner Derrick LaPoint presented the proposal to rehabilitate two (2) mixed-use commercial and residential buildings on one (1) lot at this site. He explained the request is to renovate the upper two levels of the three story buildings that exist on the properties. He noted these properties are in Block 11 of the Renaissance Zone plan and clarified that this project is not located within the City’s Historic Overlay District. Mr. LaPoint stated staff is recommending approval as the proposal meets the guidelines and all required approval criteria.
Board discussion ensued concerning the following: plans in place for the relocation of existing apartment tenants during the renovations; keeping the proposed rental costs for these new apartments affordable; will there be additional tenant parking added; the condition of the existing roof of each building; and how the staff scored this project compared to other relevant projects proposed.
Mike Zimney, representative from Kilbourne Group, explained that all apartments are currently vacant due to the unacceptable living conditions, and no on-site parking will be added so future tenants will need to utilize existing parking accommodations at area parking ramps and surface lots. Mr. LaPoint added the staff and the Parking Commission are discussing adding a different residential parking permit for downtown residents to purchase for parking in the existing City-owned parking sites.
Project Manager Heather McCord, Kilbourne Group, spoke on behalf of the application explaining the condition of the existing roofs and what repairs they are proposing.
Member Furness moved to recommend to the City Commission approval of the application submitted by DFI BG LLC, and to grant the property tax exemption and the State income tax exemptions as allowed by the North Dakota Renaissance Zone law, contingent upon completion of the project and verification of costs. Second by Member Swiontek. On call of the roll Members Piepkorn, Luchau, Furness, Swiontek, Peterson, Grindberg, Bresciani, and Mathern voted aye. The motion was declared carried.
Item 4: Other Business
Mr. LaPoint reported on the downtown tour discussed at last month’s meeting, to visit some of the completed and in-progress developments that have been approved by this Board. Mr. LaPoint has contacted several of the property owners, and suggested scheduling this tour for November in lieu of the regularly scheduled Renaissance Zone meeting. He will keep the Board updated on the tour date, time, and schedule.
Mr. LaPoint also shared that staff is working with State Officials as they complete a comprehensive review of Fargo’s existing Renaissance Zone program.
Mr. LaPoint stated there may not be an October Board meeting, unless staff receives applications.
The time at adjournment was 9:25 a.m.