
Police Chief Selection Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Police Chief Selection Committee

The City of Fargo is soliciting Statements of Interest from community members who desire to serve on the Police Chief Selection Committee. Four community members will be selected to serve among other committee members from various entities. If interested in being a member of the selection committee, complete a Statement of Interest form or submit a written Statement of Interest to City Commission Office, Fargo City Hall, 225 4th St N, Fargo, ND 58102 no later than June 21, 2020.

Applicants who have been selected will be notified upon approval by the City Commission.

Committee Members

The Police Chief Selection Committee is comprised of fifteen individuals consisting of elected officials, City of Fargo Administrators, Fargo Police Department representatives, a Human Relations Commission representative, a Native American Commission representative, a Civil Service Commission representative, the Fargo Park District Executive Director, Fargo Public Schools superintendent and several community members. This comprehensive selection team represents the diverse backgrounds, cultures and experiences of the Fargo community.

Meetings Schedule & Location

Committee meetings are open to the public and a quorum of City Commissioners may be present at any or all meetings. Agendas and minutes for the committee are available online.

People with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and need special accommodations should contact the City Commission Office or call at 701.241.1310 or TDD at 701.241.8258. Please contact us at least 48 hours before the meeting to give our staff adequate time to make arrangements.