
Police Advisory & Oversight Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Police Advisory & Oversight Board - January 11, 2024 Minutes


Meeting: Police Advisory & Oversight Board Regular Meeting
Date: 01.11.2024
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: City Commission Chambers
The Regular Meeting of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, January 11, 2024.

The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Todd Spellerberg (by phone), David Hogenson, Joanna Johnson, Lucrachia King, Tonya Greywind.

Absent: Scott Paul, Conrad Thomas.

Item 1. Welcome and Board
Member Introductions Chair Johnson welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve or Amend Agenda
Member Hogenson moved the Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Vice Chair King. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Approve or Amend Minutes
Vice Chair King moved the minutes of the December 14, 2023 Police Advisory & Oversight Board meeting be approved as presented. Second by Member Greywind. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Public Comment Period
No one signed up for public comment.

Item 5. Questions from Community Members
There was nothing under this category this month.

Item 6. Police Department Updates – Chief David Zibolski
• The facility management plan has gone to the Commission. The full report will be available to the public in a couple of weeks.
• They are planning DC trip during National Law Enforcement Week.
• The next Police Academy is starting January 22nd; probably 15-16 candidates in the class

Item 7. Fargo Police K9 Presentation – Sergeant Sam Bollman
• Canine Unit is made of 5 handler/dog teams
• 3 Dual purpose patrol/narcotics detection
• 1 Single purpose narcotics detection assigned to CCDTF
• 1 Dual purpose patrol/explosives detection team
• Dogs have fare superior scent detection abilities compared to humans
• Police canines can safely locate and apprehend individuals
• Police canines are also used for community engagement
• FPD canines detect marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, mushrooms, and fentanyl
• Narcotics detection teams deployed 297 times in 2023, including for other agencies
• Explosives program was established in 2020 in partnership with FargoDome
o Deployed 34 times in 2023 (2 live device finds)
• Explosives detection includes facility sweeps and shell casing location
• Four FPD canine teams are trained in patrol work (tracking, building searches, area searches, article searches, apprehension, handler protection)
o 93 patrol deployments in 2023, including four physical apprehensions
• Patrol canines have may advantages
o Can be deployed from cover
o Can be recalled or redirected after deployment
o Cannot be used against the officer
o Can warn officers of danger
o De-escalation/deterrent.
• All FPD Use of Force policy applies to canine apprehensions
• All FPD Canine teams certify through nationally recognized organizations each year (patrol and detection certify separately)
o Minimum 16 hours of training per month to maintain certification

Item 8. Presentation Questions
• Chair Johnson asked how do the dogs apprehend? Do they bite clothes or the person?
o The dogs do bite them, usually on an extremity. The dogs are trained for bite and hold. The level of injury is not usually very high. The officer can give a verbal order for release.
• Chair Johnson asked is a sniff of a car done under consent?
o It can be, but typically it is under reasonable suspicion that there is narcotic activity going on.
• Member Hogenson asked when one of the dogs detects narcotics, what is the reaction of the animal and is it the same?
o The most common is called passive alert (all FPD dogs are taught this and sit or lay down). An aggressive alert is going out of favor in the industry as it damages property.
• Member Hogenson asked for explosives detection, are they continually trained since they might go their entire career without detecting a live device?
o They are finding them all the time in training and certification. Training aids are kept on hand.
• Chair Johnson asked how do you train the dogs?
o Everything to the dog is a game and they’re rewarded for winning the game.
• Member Greywind asked is there anyone in the department that can certify and train the dog initially?
o Sergeant S. Bollman and Officer Cernik are certified as judges to certify dogs and will go to other events where FPD people are not being certified. There are no trainers in the department, outside venders are used for training.
• Member Hogenson asked is it typical to use a dog for a casual walkthrough?
o Typically sweeps are done without the public there. Not a lot has been done while an event is already going.
• Chair Johnson asked how often is there danger to the dog or dogs sustaining injuries?
o The dogs have bullet-resistant vests (not always worn due to overheating). There’s always a risk, but “we don’t send our dogs to death”. There has not been an FPD dog injured during apprehension to Sergeant Bollman’s knowledge. It’s a crime in ND to injure or kill a police dog.
• Member Hogenson asked with fentanyl, that adds an extra level of danger, has that required to take extra precautions to protect the dogs?
o Most of the time, it’s believed to be packaged. Police would not go into an apartment or residence for a search warrant and let the dog loose if fentanyl is suspected as the dog is trained to get as close as possible to the odor. Handlers also keep Narcan on hand.
• Member Greywind asked are there any events to help other cultures be more comfortable?
o Schools are scheduled ahead of time. Typically at an event, they stationary so people who don’t want to be around dogs don’t have to.
• Member Greywind asked is it appropriate to come up to pet the dog?
o At events, they are there to meet the public, that’s perfectly fine. If it’s while working, the officer will explain that it would need to wait.
• Member Hogenson asked are any breeds preferred?
o Yes. A Belgium Malinois or mix are used at FPD.
• Chair Johnson asked is the canine program at FPD looking to expand?
o The FPD could use more, there isn’t one on shift all of the time (almost 24-hour coverage). A growing/new area is emotional support/comfort dogs, which is in the research phase; the West Fargo Police Department does that.
• Member Hogenson asked when away from work, do the handlers act as the dog’s owner?
o The dog is owned by the city of Fargo, assigned to handler, and goes home with handler. Typically the handler has the option to purchase a retiring dog from the city for a dollar
• Chair Johnson asked how long is a canine kept in work before retirement?
o They like to get 8-10 years, usually purchased at a year to a year and a half year old.
• Member Greywind asked how do the officers who are interested in being a canine handler?
o There is a block at the academy, but no one is hired specifically to be a handler. They will express interest, and can participate in training with the canine (which also helps them learn the time commitment). There is an application/selection process when there’s an opening
• Member Greywind asked when you’re assigned a dog, that’s your dog?
o Yes, dogs are not assigned to multiple handlers, though they can be reassigned if an officer changes their mind or leaves.
• Member Hogenson asked in that situation, the dog may retire?
o Yes, but the handlers are not likely to give up their canine. The DEI is having a Dreamers Unite event on Monday, January 15th, 2024 at the Fargo Theatre. It’s a free event.

Item 9. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 5:42 p.m.