Police Advisory & Oversight Board
The Police Advisory & Oversight Board was established by City Commission action on November 29, 2021, with members appointed by the Commission on March 7, 2022. The purpose of the Board is to create a dialogue between community representatives and the Fargo Police Department, help improve relationships, assist with diverse recruitment, provide community perspective on policy and programs that are of interest to the community.
“The Fargo Police Advisory and Oversight Board will create a new dialogue between the community and the police department. Not only will the board foster new partnerships, it will also further enhance existing relationships. Members of the board will be integral in providing a community perspective to policies and programs of the department. This is an important milestone in the execution of the vision of Fargo PD – to foster a safe and unified community built on trust, accountability and inclusion,” remarked Chief David Zibolski.
“Selected from a pool of 43 applicants, the seven recommended members of the Fargo Police Advisory and Oversight Board constitute diverse backgrounds, cultures and experiences to accurately represent the breadth of diversity within the community. The board will offer tremendous insight, advice and ideas to our police department. It will also be vital in bolstering our on-going recruitment efforts for law enforcement personnel,” said Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director Dr. Terry Hogan.
Meeting Schedule and Location
The Board meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month (unless otherwise posted) at 5 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at 225 4th Street North. Meetings are broadcast live on TV Fargo Channel 56 and online at FargoND.gov/streaming. They are also livestreamed across The City’s social media channels. The meetings are rebroadcast on Sundays at 1 p.m. and Thursdays at 2 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and a residential comment period is available at the beginning of each meeting. Individuals interested in signing up for public comment can do so prior to the start of the meeting. A physical sign-in sheet is provided and is available until the meeting begins at 5 p.m. Individuals will be offered 2 minutes for comment with a maximum of 10 minutes total for resident comments.
People with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and need special accommodations should contact the Fargo Police Department at 701.241.1437 at least 48 hours before the meeting to provide staff adequate time to make arrangements.