
Police Advisory & Oversight Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Police Advisory & Oversight Board - February 8, 2024 Minutes

Meeting: Police Advisory & Oversight Board Regular Meeting
Date: 02.08.2024
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Gateway Commons (Fargo Police Department) The Regular Meeting of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in the Gateway Commons at the Fargo Police Department at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 8th, 2024.

The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Scott Paul, David Hogenson, Joanna Johnson, Tonya Greywind.

Absent: Todd Spellerberg, Conrad Thomas, Lucrachia King.

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair Johnson welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve or Amend Agenda
Member Paul moved the Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Hogenson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Approve or Amend Minutes
Member Paul moved the minutes of the January 11th, 2024 Police Advisory & Oversight Board meeting be approved as presented. Second by Member Greywind. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Public Comment Period
No one signed up for public comment.

Item 5. Questions from Community Members
1. Is marijuana legal in North Dakota?
a. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in North Dakota, even if it’s purchased legally in another state.
b. Legal medical marijuana cannot be used around minors without a legal medical marijuana card. North Dakota does not have reciprocal medical marijuana in any other state at this time. According to state statute, private institutions (rental properties, restaurants, etc) can prohibit the possession or use of medical marijuana in their space.
c. It is federally illegal to transport marijuana across state lines. If it’s bought in a legal state, it must be consumed in that state.
2. What is the typical Fargo Police response to marijuana odor calls for service?
a. If a citizen noticed the odor of marijuana, they are encouraged to call into the narcotics tip line (701-241-1415).
b. A person can be cited for possessing a small amount of marijuana.
c. The Drug Recognition Expert officers have been expanded to recognize people under the influence of narcotics rather than just alcohol for DUI enforcement.
d. If an officer suspects someone pulled over is impaired, how do they determine if they are under the influence of narcotics, given that alcohol is measurable in the BAC? Marijuana is metabolized differently, a saliva test in development to determine if THC is in the person’s system.

Item 6. Police Department Updates
Chief David Zibolski
1. The Annual Report is set to tentatively set to be out around March. It will have everything from 2023.
2. The traffic stop demographic project; the Intelligence Analysis Unit has some new useful technology that allows for better data compilation. The data would not include warnings, as currently they are only verbal warnings and not tracked. Information will be drawn initially only on citations.
3. There is a meeting with CRITAC on the 16th, there should be updates in March on the critical response team.
4. Sunday the 11th at 10:30am there will be a brief memorial ceremony at the Police Department to honor fallen Officer Jason Moszer.
5. In June, a new Chairperson will need to be selected for the PAOB.

Item 7. Fargo Police Specialized Services Unit Overview – Lt. Michael Bernier
1. Airport Officers collaborate with the TSA and Homeland Security to keep those that fly out of Fargo safe. Fargo Police officers staff the airport during operational hours of the TSA checkpoint. There are two officers permanently assigned to the airport.
2. The Municipal Court Bailiff is stationed out of the Municipal Court building and handles court security, protection, and bailiff duties. The Bailiff also handles issuing subpoenas through Municipal Court and works with the Cass County Jail to help ensure property documentation for court appearances.
3. The Truck Regulatory Officer (TRO) is a cooperative effort between the FPD and the city of Fargo Public Works department, working primarily to reduce and prevent damage caused to city streets by overweight trucks and heavy equipment. TRO also handles oversized load escorts on city streets.
4. The Community Service Officers (CSO) are non-sworn personnel who handle calls for service involving animals, parking complaints, found property, and other tasks to support Neighborhood Services.
5. There are seven School Resource Officers (SRO) in the public high schools and middle schools. Those officers are stationed in the schools.
6. There are four officers currently assigned to the Community Engagement Team (CET). There are eight allotted positions for the CET team, but Patrol staffing is prioritized.
a. In mid-2023, there was a focus on deploying officers into high-risk areas, emphasizing the reduction of criminal activities and rebuilding trust in communities. The Arbors and Downtown Fargo were, and still are, primary focuses for CET. '
b. In Downtown Fargo, CET Officers focus on enforcement of quality of life issues. Also a focus on making police presence known to businesses in Downtown Fargo and building relationships with staff from the Downtown Engagement Center, businesses, and other service organizations to include the Downtown Community Partnership (DCP).
c. The CET has also focused on the Arbors area. CET, along with the Metro Area Street Crimes Unit, Cass County Drug Task Force, and many other federal partners combined on crime reduction strategies.
d. In 2023, CET took on a significant role in establishing a Co-Responder program to help address individuals requiring mental health services. The program is designed to pair CET Officers with dedicated mental health coresponders to collaborate follow up on mental health related calls for service.
e. For years, the FPD had one dedicated Cultural Liaison Officer (CLO). When that CLO would move out of that position, the relationships, contacts, and knowledge went with them. CET has taken on the CLO position as a team to better serve the community. CET received an invitation from the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber Collaboration to participate in the Community Leader Task Force, which aims to bridge community members with essential resources.
f. During the summer, the SRO team is not assigned a school and will join CET on their schedule, providing additional resources.
7. Member Paul asked if there is a requirement for CET officers to go out on patrol to keep their patrol skillset. There is not a requirement, but CET officers are often filling in patrol positions when patrol is short-staffed.
8. Chief Zibolski added that the strategic plan already envisions the Specialized Services Unit becoming its own Division.

Item 8. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 6:07 p.m.