Police Advisory & Oversight Board - February 15, 2024 Minutes
Meeting: Police Advisory & Oversight Board Working Session
Date: 02.15.2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Location: Sky Commons The Working Session of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in Sky Commons at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 15, 2024.
The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Scott Paul, David Hogenson, Joanna Johnson, Lucrachia King, Tonya Greywind.
Absent: Todd Spellerberg, Conrad Thomas.
Board Member Round Table
Chair Johnson brought up attendance of the Board. Ordinance and bylaws do not allow for missing two consecutive meetings or 50% of the meetings. Chief Zibolski commented that there is a virtual option to attend, as well. Chair Johnson commented that members do not always let the Board know when they can’t make it. City Attorney Nancy Morris commented that on another board, the Chair had reached out to the member to see if they wished to continue to serve. Members agreed that that would be appropriate. Lt. Bernier commented that there had been some communication issues with the email leading to members not getting announcements (this has been resolved). Member Greywind asked if there is a procedure in place for when someone cannot make it. They should notify the Chair.
2023 Discussion & 2024 Agenda Topic Prioritization
• Member Greywind thought 2023 went well and enjoyed learning about different areas and processes of the Police Department. She thought the invitation for Board Members to go through certain training was a good opportunity. She would like to learn more about the Academy.
Member Hogenson asked when the annual report will come out. Chief Zibolski said it should be the third week in March.
•Member Hogenson asked how the Board might be able to put out some of that information to the public. Chief Zibolski said the report could be discussed with context at the April meeting. There was some discussion on potentially making an exception to the number of people allowed for public comment at the March meeting in the Arbors area, to increase it if there are more people wanting to speak. Member Paul brought up the idea of having public comment after the presentation in case the presentation brings up more questions. Chief Zibolski responded that any concerns raised in public comment before the presentation might be able to be addressed in the presentation. Member Hogenson asked how management factors into the work being done at the Arbors. Lieutenant Bernier commented that FPD is constantly meeting with management, but there have been several different managers and some issues may have been passed on from previous managers. Chair Johnson asked what are some things that could be brought for presentations in 2024. The Arbors, COPS office, coresponder/mental health response were all brought up previously. Narcotics and domestic responses, surveillance, and how Dispatch works (such as coding priorities) were also suggested. Doing another listening session was brought up as a possibility. Adjourn The time at adjournment was 6:30 p.m.Member Hogenson thought the training that they received was excellent and thinks he has a better understanding of what police go through and what expertise and tools are used. As far as the Board, he felt the Board was somewhat adrift; the Board does not currently have a mission statement. He thinks a clear mission statement would be helpful so there is something to measure by. He is disappointed in the delays from the COPS office and the SME. The Arbors is a big topic. He likes the community questions section added to Board meetings.
• Members Greywind and Hogenson commented on the new mental health initiative.
• Chair Johnson thought 2023 went well. She liked that there was a running agenda. She agrees that a vision and mission for the Board is needed. She thinks the Board should do ride-alongs every year. She thinks a refresher of some of the orientation and training could be beneficial due to Members maybe having different insights at this point.
• Member Paul thought the structure over the last year has continued to improve. He thinks input from the public has been valuable. He doesn’t know what value the Board has had in an advisory capacity to the Police Department up to this point.
• Vice Chair King thinks that some advisement was done when the Board put forward the mental health initiative. She thought it was a very educational year. She would like to make sure there is funding in place for the mental health initiative. She would like to see more partnership with private companies.
• Chief Zibolski commented that the Board is still relatively new and in order to provide usefulness and value in an advisory capacity, you have to get up to a baseline. He read out some of the ordinance regarding the Board’s purpose and talked about some of the educational pieces that have been put out to date. He talked about some of the work that’s been going on in the Arbors and that Sergeant Gamradt will be doing a presentation on the issue. He thinks the purpose regarding the review of use of force is something that could be delved into more in depth. He thinks the biggest areas are educating the public and growing those relationships. He commented on the idea of moving the meeting locations around to hopefully garner more community interest and thinks it’s something to consider. He will talk with Deputy Chief Anderson about creating an opportunity for Board Members to engage with people regarding the Academy. The COPS Critical Response Review has a meeting on February 16th, 2024.
• Member Paul asked Chief Zibolski if there are any priorities for 2024 for the PD or the Board. Chief Zibolski answered that the facility management plan, staffing, increasing technology, a threat assessment team (coordinated with other agency) are all priorities. The new Wellness Coordinator position is a big piece, as well. Lieutenant Bernier added that the new civilian positions, such as a fifth Community Service Officer and the Wellness Coordinator, are being filled. The Fargo Police Department Academy has been a big help with staffing.
• Dr. Hogan commented that the Arbors would be a possible meeting place. He commented that when tenants came to the HRC, they thought there was no police presence there. Chief Zibolski commented that they have a community meeting room that could possibly be used. Lieutenant Bernier commented that there is a city facility (the Public Health Building) a couple of blocks away, if the Arbors itself doesn’t work.
Board Chair Rotation Discussion
• The new Chair is decided by a nomination, a second, and a vote. Chair Johnson cannot continue as Chair past June due to maximum term limitations. Vice Chair King is not interested in being Chair. Member Paul does not feel he would be a good candidate for Chair. Member Greywind would be willing to Chair if nominated. Member Hogenson believes his role is better as a Member than as a Chair or Vice Chair.
• All Board Members are notified that there will need to be a new Chair and Vice Chair voted in during the June meeting. Anyone interested in the position should contact Sgt. Gamradt with interest by April 1, 2024.
There was some discussion on the method of creating a vision and mission statement.
Chief Zibolski said Members of the Board could potentially act as role-players for the Academy. That could help as a training piece and also help the Board engage with the officers. Lt. Bernier brought up potentially having Board Members present at Incident Command at the next parade.
Member Paul asked how the Board has been doing with staying within the rules as far as communication goes. City Attorney Nancy Morris said there hasn’t been anything that’s been cause for concern.
Member Hogenson asked when the annual report will come out. Chief Zibolski said it should be the third week in March. Member Hogenson asked how the Board might be able to put out some of that information to the public. Chief Zibolski said the report could be discussed with context at the April meeting.
There was some discussion on potentially making an exception to the number of people allowed for public comment at the March meeting in the Arbors area, to increase it if there are more people wanting to speak. Member Paul brought up the idea of having public comment after the presentation in case the presentation brings up more questions. Chief Zibolski responded that any concerns raised in public comment before the presentation might be able to be addressed in the presentation.
Member Hogenson asked how management factors into the work being done at the Arbors. Lieutenant Bernier commented that FPD is constantly meeting with management, but there have been several different managers and some issues may have been passed on from previous managers.
Chair Johnson asked what are some things that could be brought for presentations in 2024. The Arbors, COPS office, coresponder/mental health response were all brought up previously. Narcotics and domestic responses, surveillance, and how Dispatch works (such as coding priorities) were also suggested.
Doing another listening session was brought up as a possibility.
The time at adjournment was 6:30 p.m.