Police Advisory & Oversight Board - June 9, 2022 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 9, 2022.
The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Scott Paul (by video conference), Todd Spellerberg (by phone), Joanna Johnson, David Hogenson, Tonya Greywind.
Absent: Lucrachia King, Conrad Thomas.
Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions
Chair Johnson welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Item 2 - Approve Order of Agenda
Member David Hogenson moved the Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Tonya Greywind. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3 - Approve Order of Minutes
Member David Hogenson moved the minutes of the May 11, 2022 Police Advisory & Oversight Board meeting be approved as presented. Second by Member Tonya Greywind. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 4 - Public Comment Period
Christopher Coen spoke about his concerns that police conduct during the May 30, 2020 incident in Downtown Fargo hasn’t been investigated.
Item 5 - Police Department Updates
• Department Wellness Program update by Chief Zibolski
• Monday’s Commission meeting will be rolling out video on the new Fargo Police Department wellness program. Moving ahead on the process to put in place annual mental health checks for sworn and civilian staff.
• Community Events reminder by Sergeant Cristie Jacobsen
— Members of the Community Engagement Team and the Fargo Police Department doing an outreach and educational safety booth at Midwest Kid Fest on June 10th.
Outreach educational booth at the Juneteenth event (being held on Saturday, June 18th)
— The Fargo Police Picnic is from 5pm to 8pm on June 29th at Urban Plains Park
— The Fargo Police Department will be running educational booths pertaining to the street fair, from July 14th to July 16th.
Item 6 - Fargo Police Department School Resource Officer (SRO) Program and Active Killer Response Protocol by Sergeants Cristie Jacobsen and Thomas Shaw
• Sergeant Jacobsen provided an overview of what a School Resource Officer is and what they do.
• Sergeant Shaw provided an overview of Fargo Police Officers’ response to active threats, including the H.I.P.S. concept, active killer response, hostage events, and bomb threats.
Item 7 - Discussion
• Subset terminology conversation
— Sergeant Jacobsen used the term “subset” in regards to the Board at the May 11th Board Meeting, this was poor word choice. She clarified that the Board is not a subset of the Police Department.
— City Attorney Nancy Morris clarified that the Police Advisory Board is an independent body appointed by the City Commission and can make recommendations to the City Commission. The Police Department staffs the committee.
• Open Records law in regards to crafting the Board’s mission statement
— City Attorney Nancy Morris stated that if a subcommittee is designated with the task of creating a mission statement, that subcommittee would be considered a meeting of Members of the Board and should be public.
Item 8 - Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 6:01 p.m.