
Police Advisory & Oversight Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Police Advisory & Oversight Board - April 14, 2022 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, April 14, 2022.

The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Scott Paul, Todd Spellerberg, David Hogenson, Joanna Johnson, Conrad Thomas, Lucrachia King, Tonya Greywind.

Absent: None.

Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions
Sergeant Cristie Jacobsen and Chief David Zibolski welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2 - Public Comment
No public comments were made.

Item 3 - Onboard Training by Nancy Morris
Nancy Morris provided a primer on the North Dakota Open Records and Open Meetings laws.

Item 4 - Communications Training by Gregg Schildberger, Katie Ettish, and Anders Johnson
A brief overview of the Community Engagement and Public Information Divisions of Communications & Governmental Affairs. Considerations when engaging on social media and with members of the media. Considerations for standards of conduct.

Item 5 - Discussion
a. Chair and Vice Chair Appointments
i. Chair and Vice Chair term is usually two years. The first term will only be about 15 months.
ii. Chair Appointment – Joanna Johnson nominated by Scott Paul. Second by David Hogenson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
iii. Vice Chair Appointment – Lucrachia King nominated by Conrad Thomas. Second by David Hogenson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
b. 3 and 4 year terms
i. 3 Year term – Lucrachia King, David Hogenson, and Todd Spellerberg
ii. 4 Year term – Scott Paul, Joanna Johnson, Conrad Thomas, and Tonya Greywind
c. Mission Statement
i. To be considered by each board member and sent to Sergeant Jacobsen for presentation and discussion at the next meeting.
d. Bylaws
i. To be considered by each board member and sent to Sergeant Jacobsen for presentation and discussion at the next meeting.
e. Future presentation requests
i. Mental health complexities

Item 6 - Police Department Updates
1. Discussion of the development of the Fargo Police Department’s Vision, Mission, and Values. Chief Zibolski will provide the board members with materials used in development for reference.
2. The Police Department has been working with a collaborative group of law enforcement, hospitals, service providers, and the mobile crisis unit to develop a different type of mental health response.
3. Recommended to start out with Police Department Updates and then move on to other agenda items.
4. A brief overview of the online reporting system.
5. Working on a strategic plan for the Department, identifying one-year, two-year, and five-year goals and objectives.
6. Academy begins May 16th. There are 30 candidates. A long-term goal is for the Fargo Police Department to have its own regional training facility (currently facilities are shared with West Fargo and Cass County). Academy graduation will be August 5th.
7. Discussion of upcoming community engagement events.

Item 7 - Discussion on Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 due to Chief Zibolski’s unavailability on the regular meeting date of Thursday, May 12th, 2022.

Item 8 - Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 06:16 p.m.