
Planning Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Planning Commission - September 5, 2024 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Planning Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, September 5, 2024.

The Planning Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Maranda Tasa, Art Rosenberg, Jennifer Holtz, Thomas Schmidt, Brett Shewey, Joseph Cecil, Amy Hass, Tyler Mohs, Paul Gleye (via conference call)

Absent: Scott Stofferahn

Chair Tasa called the meeting to order.

Business Items:
Item A: Approve Order of Agenda
Chair Tasa noted Items 1a, 1b, and D1 have been continued to October 1.

Member Holtz moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Schmidt. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item B: Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 6, 2024
Member Shewey moved the minutes of the August 6, 2024 Planning Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Mohs. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item C: Public Hearing Items:

Item 1: Northdale First Addition
1a. Hearing on an application requesting a Zoning Change from AG, Agricultural to LI, Limited Industrial with a C-O, Conditional Overlay on the proposed Northdale First Addition. (Located at 4300 County Highway 81 North) (Allstar Land Company/Christianson Companies, Inc.): CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 1, 2024

1b. Hearing on an application requesting a Plat of Northdale First Addition (Major Subdivision) a plat of an unplatted portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 140 North, Range 49 West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dakota. (Located at 4300 County Highway 81 North) (Allstar Land Company/Christianson Companies, Inc.): CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 1, 2024

A Hearing had been set for this date and time, however the applicant has requested this application be continued to October 1, 2024.

Member Rosenberg present.

Item 2: Grafstrom First Addition
2a. Hearing on an application requesting a Zoning Change from AG, Agricultural to LI, Limited Industrial and AG, Agricultural on the proposed Grafstrom First Addition. (Located at 5385, 5401, and 5617 19th Avenue North and 2101 57th Street North) (Just North of the Horse Park, LLC/Christianson Companies): APPROVED

2b. Hearing on an application requesting a Plat of Grafstrom First Addition (Major Subdivision) a plat of an unplatted portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 140 North, Range 49 West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dakota. (Located at 5385, 5401, and 5617 19th Avenue North and 2101 57th Street North) (Just North of the Horse Park, LLC/Christianson Companies): APPROVED

Planning Coordinator Donald Kress presented the staff report stating all approval criteria have been met and staff is recommending approval. He noted an updated plat was provided to the Board.

Member Shewey moved the findings and recommendations of staff be accepted and approval be recommended to the City Commission of the proposed 1) Zoning Change from AG, Agricultural to AG, Agricultural and LI, Limited Industrial, and 2) Subdivision Plat of Grafstrom First Addition, as outlined within the staff report, as the proposal complies with the Standards of Article 20-06, and Sections 20-0906.F (1-4) and 20-0907.C of the Land Development Code, and all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code, and the 2024 and 2007 Growth Plans. Second by Member Rosenberg. On call of the roll Members Schmidt, Holtz, Cecil, Mohs, Rosenberg, Gleye, Shewey, Hass, and Tasa voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Stofferahn. The motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Timber Parkway Eleventh Addition
Hearing on an application requesting a Plat of Timber Parkway Eleventh Addition (Minor Subdivision) a replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Timber Parkway Sixth Addition, to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota. (Located at 3300 Jacks Way South) (PLC Investments, LLC/Houston Engineering): APPROVED

Mr. Kress presented the staff report stating all approval criteria have been met and staff is recommending approval.

Member Holtz moved the findings and recommendations of staff be accepted and approval be recommended to the City Commission of the proposed Subdivision Plat Timber Parkway Eleventh Addition, as outlined within the staff report, as the proposal complies with the Standards of Section 20-0907.B and C, Standards of Article 20-06 of the Land Development Code, and all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code. Second by Member Schmidt. On call of the roll Members Gleye, Schmidt, Hass, Mohs, Rosenberg, Holtz, Cecil, Shewey, and Tasa voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Stofferahn. The motion was declared carried.

Item 4: The Pines at the District Second Addition
Hearing on an application requesting a Zoning Change from MR-3, Multi-Dwelling Residential and LC, Limited Commercial with a C-O, Conditional Overlay to MR-3, Multi-Dwelling Residential with a C-O, Conditional Overlay on Lot 1, Block 1, The Pines at the District Second Addition and Lot 1, Block 14, The Pines at the District Addition. (Located at 4400 56th Avenue South and 5691 43rd Street South) (Bethany on 42nd/Shawn Stuhaug): APPROVED

Mr. Kress presented the staff report stating all approval criteria have been met and staff is recommending approval.

Discussion was held on projected road placement.

Assistant City Engineer Nathan Boerboom spoke on behalf of the Engineering Department.

Additional discussion was held on access points, parking, and building footprint.

Assistant Director of Planning and Development Mark Williams spoke on development trends of underground parking.

Applicant Shawn Stuhaug, CEO of Bethany, spoke on behalf of the application.

Member Schmidt moved the findings and recommendations of staff be accepted and approval be recommended to the City Commission of the proposed Zoning Change from MR-3, Multi-Dwelling Residential and LC, Limited Commercial with a C-O, Conditional Overlay, to MR-3, Multi-Dwelling Residential with a C-O, Conditional Overlay, as outlined within the staff report, as the proposal complies with the GO2030 Fargo Comprehensive Plan, Section 20-0906.F (1-4) of the Land Development Code, and all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code. Second by Member Rosenberg. On call of the roll Members Rosenberg, Holtz, Hass, Cecil, Shewey, Mohs, Gleye, Schmidt, and Tasa voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Stofferahn. The motion was declared carried.

Item 5: Estes Addition
Hearing on an application requesting a Plat of Estes Addition (Minor Subdivision) a replat of Lot 1, Block 9, Industrial Subdivision No. 1, and portions of Lots 1 and 2, Hector’s Subdivision, to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota. (Located at 1301 43rd Street North; 4121, 4151, and 4153 12th Avenue North) (Black Branch Terminal, LLC/Neset Land Survey’s): APPROVED

Mr. Kress presented the staff report stating all approval criteria have been met and staff is recommending approval.

Member Rosenberg moved the findings and recommendations of staff be accepted and approval be recommended to the City Commission of the proposed Subdivision Plat Estes Addition, as outlined within the staff report, as the proposal complies with the Standards of Section 20-0907.B and C, Standards of Article 20-06 of the Land Development Cord, and all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code. Second by Member Holtz. On call of the roll Members Hass, Mohs, Shewey, Gleye, Cecil, Schmidt, Holtz, Rosenberg, and Tasa voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Stofferahn. The motion was declared carried.

Item D: Other Items:

Item 1: Annexation of approximately 13.77 acres of a portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, T140N, R49W, Cass County, North Dakota.: CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 1, 2024

A Hearing had been set for this date and time, however the applicant has requested this application be continued to October 1, 2024.

Item 2: Presentation on the Fargo Transportation Plan

Fargo Transportation Engineer Jeremy Gordon gave a presentation on an overview of the Fargo Transportation Plan, noting the plan works to emphasize safety, access to active transportation, sustainable and complete streets, and design guidelines. He shared the full plan can be accessed at under resources.

Discussion was held on public input opportunities for future designs and questions, sidewalks, and contributing factors to street designs.

Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield provided additional information about processes, support of having a roadway map, and the importance of pieces working together.

Further discussion was held on lane widths, connectivity, the traffic calming policy, and alignment with the Growth Plan.

Item 3: Land Development Code scope update

Assistant Planning Director Mark Williams shared that the Growth Plan was unanimously approved by the City Commission, and gave an update on the Land Development Code rewrite. He noted that a scope of service to amend the contact with czb Consultants is before the Board for recommendation.

Discussion was held on the importance of moving this process forward as fast as we can, and stakeholders to be included in the discussions and process.

Member Rosenberg moved to approve the proposed scope of work outlined in the Project Summary for a comprehensive Land Development Code and Incentive Policy Update. Second by Member Shewey. On call of the roll Members Mohs, Shewey, Hass, Rosenberg, Cecil, Gleye, Schmidt, Holtz, and Tasa voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Stofferahn. The motion was declared carried.

The time at adjournment was 4:04 p.m.