
Metro Flood Diversion Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Metro Flood Diversion Authority - June 28, 2018 Minutes

1. Meeting to Order
A meeting of the Metro Flood Diversion Authority was held Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 3:35 PM in the Fargo City Commission Room with the following members present: Moorhead City Mayor Del Rae Williams; Moorhead City Council Member Chuck Hendrickson; Moorhead City Council Member Joel Paulsen; Clay County Commissioner Kevin Campbell; Clay County Commissioner Grant Weyland; Fargo City Mayor Tim Mahoney; Fargo City Commissioner Dave Piepkorn; Fargo City Commissioner Tony Grindberg; Cass County Commissioner Mary Scherling via conference call; Cass County Commissioner Chad Peterson; Cass County Commissioner Rick Steen; and West Fargo City Commissioner Mike Thorstad. Cass County Joint Water Resource District Manager Rodger Olson was absent.

2. Minutes Approved
MOTION, passed
Mr. Mahoney moved and Mr. Weyland seconded to approve the minutes from the meeting held May 17, 2018, as presented. Motion carried.

3. Agenda Order
MOTION, passed
Mr. Steen moved and Mr. Campbell seconded to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried.

4. Management Update
Martin Nicholson from CH2M provided an update on activities over the last month, which include the federal budget appropriation of $35 million for FY18 Corps of Engineers work plan; continued support to the Corps of Engineers and MDNR to advance the Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS); continued work with the MDNR and other parties to advance the permit application review; and resumed construction on the OHB levee.

Priorities for next month include support for the publication of the draft SEA and draft SEIS; continued support and development of federal legislation related to the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA); and work to advance the financial update timeline and strategy.

Mr. Nicholson provided a brief financial update on the overall program status. He said $433 million is the project cost to date and $16.3 million has been expended from the FY 2018 budget.

5. Administrative/Legal Update
Executive Director Search update
Mr. Steen provided an update on the Executive Director search. He said three applicants have been interviewed. Additional information about the position will be provided to the board prior to the next meeting.

6. Public Outreach Update
Committee report
The Public Outreach Committee met on June 27th. Rocky Schneider from AE2S briefly discussed the schedule for the Plan B environmental review and permitting. The draft SEA and SEIS will be released in the next few weeks. Staff have reached out to the Minnesota gubernatorial candidates to discuss the project.

7. Land Management
The Land Management Committee did not meet this month. Mrs. Scherling and Mr. Dodds said landowners continue to express interest in moving forward with property acquisitions, which have been on hold since the court injunction was issued.

8. Finance Update
Committee report
The Finance Committee met on June 27th. Mr. Steen provided an update to the board.

Voucher approval
The bills for the month are with Cass County Joint Water Resource District (CCJWRD) for costs associated with the Metro Flood Diversion, OHB levee, and in-town levees; Dorsey & Whitney for legal services; Erik R. Johnson & Associates, Ltd. for legal services; and Ohnstad Twichell, P.C. for legal services. Mr. Steen said the amount listed for the Dorsey & Whitney bill was incorrect and was adjusted in the total cost for the month. The committee also approved an expense to acquire a property located south of Briarwood and north of Oxbow.

MOTION, passed
Mr. Steen moved and Mr. Grindberg seconded to approve the vouchers received through June 22, 2018, in the amount of $683,214.95. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
Recommended Contracting Actions

The Finance Committee approved the following change orders:
• Meyer Contracting (Change Order 05 – OHB Ring Levee Phases C & D)—incorporate condominium irrigation line and add contract time in the amount of $13,888.70;
• S&S Landscaping Company (Change Order 01 – Seeding, Tree Planting, Levee Repairs and Maintenance)—add ditch crossing drain pipe for proper site drainage in the amount of $550.00.

MOTION, passed
Mr. Steen moved and Mr. Hendrickson seconded to approve the change orders as presented. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.

9. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 26, 2018.

10. Adjournment
MOTION, passed
On motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Paulsen, and all voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 3:58 PM.