
Liquor Control Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Liquor Control Board - December 18, 2024 Minutes

Agenda items are:

l. Approve minutes of the November 20, 2024 regular meeting.
Motion Hackman
Second Nelson
Passed Unanimously

2. Review Liquor Applications
a. Transfer a Class A Red Lobster Hospitality LLC d/b/a Red Lobster located at 4215 13th Ave South- ownership change presented by Bear, no background concerns. There is a new manager and that paperwork is still being processed.
Motion Nelson
Second Hackman
Passed Unanimously

3. Police Department Monthly Report
a. General Report presented by Chief Zibolski, one instance of someone being drugged, there was not viable video to do any further investigation. One a positive note, there is a lot less issues with over intoxication as in previous years, Chief Zibolski feels we are moving in a good direction.

4 Other Items
a. Liquor Compliance check failures presented by Bear, first failure for Rick’s Bar, Old Broadway, Rhombus Guys , which is a $500.00 fine per the penalty matrix, second failure for VFW, whish is a $750.00 fine per the penalty matrix.
1 Rick's Bar
2 Old Broadway
3 Rhombus Guys
4 Buffalo Wild Wings
5 VFW (second failure)
Motion to find the violation and apply the violation pursuant to 25-15.12, Hackman
Second Nelson
Passed Unanimously

Bear mentioned that the Auditor’s office is accepting applications for the position currently open on the Liquor Control Board.

Adjourned at 1:40pm