Fargo Human Rights Commission
2012 MLK Award Recipients
Individual Award - Howard Barlow
Howard Barlow’s career has been about service to people. He continually advocates for those less fortunate, those without resources and equality for all citizens. Howard works passionately to address issues related to homelessness and hunger, having helped create the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition, the FargoMoorhead Coalition for Homeless Persons, and having played a key role in the development of Fargo’s 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness.
Individual Award - Kayla Smith and Abby Roche
Kayla Smith and Abby Roche participated in the North High DECA organization. As part of this organization, Kayla and Abby created a program enlisting other North High School students and staff to “Spread the Word to End the Word.” The presentation refers to the use of the word retarded to describe students with special needs or who have done something displaying poor judgment. The initiative was begun independently, and has included presentations to many of the Fargo school district’s 22 schools.
Business / Nonprofit Organization - Handi-Wheels, Inc.
Handi-Wheels, Inc. has a mission to provide a safe and reliable means of accessible and affordable transportation to individuals who have a disability, persons who are elderly, and individuals who live within the limits of poverty. In 2010, HandiWheels provided 15,000 rides to people in need. The Handi-Wheels office is staffed almost exclusively by dedicated volunteers who themselves have a disability.