
Far More is Happening Here

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Fargo Human Rights Commission

2006 MLK Award Recipients

Individual Award - Jennifer Thomas

Jennifer Thomas is being given the Fargo Human Relations award for being a model leader for area youth. Ms. Thomas’ face-to-face work with the Native and New American communities, as well as her work on behalf of neglected women and children, makes her a person that truly is on the front-line of human relations work.

Individual Award - Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is being given the Fargo Human Relations Award for a lifetime of service to others. Mr. Jefferson is a man of compassion and integrity. He demonstrates this strong commitment to others by being a tireless volunteer, mentor and champion of the ideals of social justice.

Business / Nonprofit Organization - Mental Health Association of North Dakota

The Mental Health Association of North Dakota is a non-profit organization that works to end discrimination on the basis of mental illness. The Mental Health Association is being awarded for over 50 years of service in the Red River Valley for its advocacy in the areas of health care, education, social services, human rights and fair housing.