
Far More is Happening Here

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Fargo Human Rights Commission

2003 MLK Award Recipients

Individual Award - Ryan Thoreson

Ryan Thoreson, a senior at Shanley High School and model of youth leadership, is being given the Human Relations award for his faith, commitment and work to champion the ideals of social justice in service to the poor and underprivileged

Individual Award - Mark Schneider

Mark Schneider is being given the Fargo Human Relations Award for a lifetime of service to others. Mark’s work to combat race and gender discrimination, voting rights violations, police brutality and oppression of migrant workers reminds us that human rights are a permanent part of everyday life.

Business / Nonprofit Organization - CHARISM Community Center

CHARISM Community Center is a non-profit neighborhood based family resource center that serves the needs of low-income families in the McCormick Park neighborhood. CHARISM is being awarded for its success in creating opportunities for individuals and families to increase their strength and potential