
Far More is Happening Here

Boards, Commissions & Committees

September 19, 2024 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, September 19, 2024.

The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Tambah Saah, Nancy Boyle, Cody Severson, Sekou Sirleaf, Kristin Nelson, Ritchell Aboah, Courtney Kronback (via teleconference).
Absent: Carolyn Becraft, Xavier Welty, Zoe Absey, Aaron Kawreh

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions:
A quorum was not present at the start of the meeting but the action items were able to proceed when Sekou Sirleaf was present.

Item 2. Approve or Amend Agenda:
No Action

Item 3. Approve or Amend Minutes:
Motion: Nancy Boyle moved to approve the minutes as presented.
Seconded: Kristin Nelson.
Passed: Unanimously.

Item 4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair:
Nancy Boyle moved that Sekou Sirleaf be nominated for Chair.
Motion: Kristin Nelson made the motion to elect Sekou Sirleaf as Chair.
Seconded: Tambah Saah.
Passed: Unanimously.
Vice Chair:
Tambah Saah moved to nominate Kristin Nelson but it failed for a lack of second.
Motion: Kristin Nelson moved to nominate Nancy Boyle for Vice Chair.
Seconded: Ritchell Aboah.
Passed: Unanimously.
Election of Member at Large:
Kristin Nelson was nominated for Member at Large.
Motion: Tambah Saah moved to elect Kristin Nelson as Member at Large.
Seconded: Ritchell Aboah.
Passed: Unanimously.

Item 5. Discussion on Impact of Monday City Commission Meeting on Human Rights Commission:
The Commission discussed the negative impact of the budget at the recent City Commission meeting on the Human Rights Commission and the community.
Concerns were raised about the lack of support for the DEI department and the need for a separate DEI department.
The Commission is committed to developing recommendations and strategies to continue their work and advocate for a reinstated DEI department.

Item 6. Announcements:
National Heritage
National Disability Employment Awareness
Domestic Violence Awareness
LGBTQ+ History Month
State of North Dakota Human Rights Coalition Summit
Prairie Briefing Article regarding Homelessness and the City’s Ordinance and Resolution
Job Core reaching out regarding alternative learning. Visit website.
MLK and Juneteenth Events

Item 7. Sub-Committee updates/announcements:
No updates

Item 8. Staff Updates:
No updates

Item. 9. Public Comment:
No public comments were received.

The Commission discussed ongoing projects and encouraged community members to join a discussion regarding cultural diversity and inclusion of all races and groups.

Item 10. Adjourn: 12:50 p.m.

Next Meeting:
October 17, 2024 at noon.