
Human Rights Commission Logo

Boards, Commissions & Committees

October 17, 2024 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, October 17, 2024.

The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Sekou Sirleaf, Nancy Boyle, Courtney Kronback, Ritchell Aboah, Kristin Nelson,
Cody Severson, Carolyn Becraft, Zoe Absey, Xavier Welty.

Absent: Tambah Saah, Aaron Kawreh.

Other attendees: Michael Redlinger and Brenda Derrig, City Administration, Ahmed Shiil, DEI Coordinator, John Strand, City Commissioner.

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions:
o The meeting was called to order by Cody Severson.
o Attendees introduced themselves and their roles.

Item 2. Approve or amend agenda:
o The agenda was approved by motion by Ritchell and seconded by Kristin. Approved unanimously.

Item 3. Approval of September 19, 2024 meeting minutes:
o The minutes were approved by motion by Ritchell and seconded by Kristin. Approved unanimously.

Item 4. Collaborative Reorganization Discussion:
o Michael discussed the transition of administrative support for the HRC.
o He emphasized their commitment to working collaboratively with the commission.
o The commission members expressed concerns about the loss of the DEI department and the impact on their work.

Item 5. Administrative update:
o Michael and Brenda discussed transition of administrative support for the HRC.
o Discussed website updates and process of complaints.
o Questions raised about data collection, information sharing and future planning.
o The need for clear communication and collaboration between the commission and City Administration was highlighted.

Item 6. Outgoing Chair/Incoming Chair Comments:
o Cody and Sekou spoke.

Item 7. Announcements:
o Trans Day of Remembrance
o Homeless winter discussion
o Pangea-Cultivate our Cultures
o Arbors discussion
o Meals on wheels drivers needed
o National Day of Action (Today) – Domestic Violence
o Conflict Resolution Day (Today)
o Antislavery Day – October 18
o Trans Day of Visibility – November 20
o Fargo Youth Initiative - Impact October 29
o Election Day – November 5
o - Website

Item 8. Sub-committee updates:
o Cease meeting at this time, continue work on strategic planning.

Item. 9. Public comment:
o Eric Ness raised concerns about FLOCK software utilized by Police Department.
o Cheryl Schaefle, a former commissioner, expressed gratitude for her time on the commission and emphasized the importance of the HRC's work.

Item 10. Adjourn:
o The meeting was adjourned at 1:04pm.

Next meeting:
o Thursday, November 21, 2024 at noon.