November 21, 2024 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, November 21, 2024.
The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Xavier Welty, Tambah Saah, Cody Severson, Kristin Nelson, Sekou Sirleaf, Nancy Boyle, Carolyn Becraft, Zoe Absey, Courtney Kronback.
Absent: Ritchell Aboah, Aaron Kawreh.
Other attendees: Michael Redlinger, City Administration, John Strand, City Commissioner.
Item 1. Welcome and introductions:
o The meeting was called to order by Sekou Sirleaf.
o Attendees introduced themselves and their roles.
Item 2. Approve or amend agenda:
o A motion was made by Kristin to approve the agenda.
o A second was made by Zoe.
o The motion passed unanimously.
Item 3. Approval of October 17, 2024 meeting minutes:
o A motion was made by the Nancy to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2024 meeting.
o A second was made by Kristin.
o The motion passed unanimously.
Item 4. Complaint form discussion:
o Discussion regarding the clarity of the form language and the potential for confusion, accessibility for non-English speakers and the process for submitting complaints.
o Suggestions were made to simplify the form, add a video tutorial and translate it into multiple languages.
o There was discussion of notification of HRC upon complaints received.
Item 5. Scheduling of Strategic Planning Meeting:
o The commission discussed scheduling a strategic planning meeting.
o Considerations were made for the busy holiday season and the upcoming MLK Day celebration.
o It was decided to conduct a poll among commission members to determine the most suitable dates and times for the meeting.
o Michael volunteered to facilitate the poll for dates in February.
o Sub-committees continue to not meet.
Item 6. MLK Day:
o Frederick was unable to attend the meeting, but an update was provided on the planning for the 2025 MLK Day celebration.
o The commission discussed the role of the Human Rights Commission in the event, including the selection of award recipients.
o Concerns were raised about the diminished role of the commission in recent years and the need to reassert its involvement.
o It was decided to move forward with the award selection. Zoe will coordinate with Frederick and a subcommittee for award selection.
Item 7. Administrative update:
o October 17 video was missing on the website.
o Flock discussion and utilization. Administration will connect you with the link of the presentation and then we can assist with questions after that.
Item 8. Announcements:
o Yesterday was Transgender Day of Remembrance.
o Park District Master Plan.
Item. 9. Public comment:
o No public comment.
Next meeting:
o December 19, 2024 at noon.
o The meeting adjourned at 1:04 o’clock p.m.
Note: These minutes are a summary of the key points discussed during the meeting. For a more detailed record, please refer to the audio recording of the meeting.