
Far More is Happening Here

Boards, Commissions & Committees

November 21, 2024 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, November 21, 2024.

The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Xavier Welty, Tambah Saah, Cody Severson, Kristin Nelson, Sekou Sirleaf, Nancy Boyle, Carolyn Becraft, Zoe Absey, Courtney Kronback.

Absent: Ritchell Aboah, Aaron Kawreh.

Other attendees: Michael Redlinger, City Administration, John Strand, City Commissioner.

Item 1. Welcome and introductions:
o The meeting was called to order by Sekou Sirleaf.
o Attendees introduced themselves and their roles.

Item 2. Approve or amend agenda:
o A motion was made by Kristin to approve the agenda.
o A second was made by Zoe.
o The motion passed unanimously.

Item 3. Approval of October 17, 2024 meeting minutes:
o A motion was made by the Nancy to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2024 meeting.
o A second was made by Kristin.
o The motion passed unanimously.

Item 4. Complaint form discussion:
o Discussion regarding the clarity of the form language and the potential for confusion, accessibility for non-English speakers and the process for submitting complaints.
o Suggestions were made to simplify the form, add a video tutorial and translate it into multiple languages.
o There was discussion of notification of HRC upon complaints received.

Item 5. Scheduling of Strategic Planning Meeting:
o The commission discussed scheduling a strategic planning meeting.
o Considerations were made for the busy holiday season and the upcoming MLK Day celebration.
o It was decided to conduct a poll among commission members to determine the most suitable dates and times for the meeting.
o Michael volunteered to facilitate the poll for dates in February.
o Sub-committees continue to not meet.

Item 6. MLK Day:
o Frederick was unable to attend the meeting, but an update was provided on the planning for the 2025 MLK Day celebration.
o The commission discussed the role of the Human Rights Commission in the event, including the selection of award recipients.
o Concerns were raised about the diminished role of the commission in recent years and the need to reassert its involvement.
o It was decided to move forward with the award selection. Zoe will coordinate with Frederick and a subcommittee for award selection.

Item 7. Administrative update:
o October 17 video was missing on the website.
o Flock discussion and utilization. Administration will connect you with the link of the presentation and then we can assist with questions after that.

Item 8. Announcements:
o Yesterday was Transgender Day of Remembrance.
o Park District Master Plan.

Item. 9. Public comment:
o No public comment.

Next meeting:
o December 19, 2024 at noon.

o The meeting adjourned at 1:04 o’clock p.m.

Note: These minutes are a summary of the key points discussed during the meeting. For a more detailed record, please refer to the audio recording of the meeting.