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December 19, 2024 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, December 19, 2024.

The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Ritchell Aboah, Cody Severson, Kristin Nelson, Sekou Sirleaf, Nancy Boyle, Zoe Absey, Courtney Kronback, Carolyn Becraft (virtual), Xavier Welty.

Absent: Tambah Saah, Aaron Kawreh.

Other attendees: Michael Redlinger and Brenda Derrig, City Administration.

Item 1. Welcome and introductions:
o The meeting was called to order by Sekou.
o Attendees introduced themselves and their roles.

Item 2. Approve or amend agenda:
o A motion was made by Kristin to approve the agenda.
o A second was made by Nancy.
o The motion passed unanimously.

Item 3. Approval of November 21, 2024 meeting minutes:
o A motion was made by Kristin to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2024 meeting.
o A second was made by Carolyn.
o The motion passed unanimously.

Item 4.
o Crystal Jamerson presented on Inclusive, a website designed to be a community forum for Fargo residents. The website will include features such as a community forum, a petition section and a contact form. Crystal offered to provide the Commission with one hour of free training on the website.
o When asked whether the website is intended for the City of Fargo or for the Human Rights Commission specifically, Crystal said it is intended to be community-based.
o Kristin suggested the website include a tab on education and resources. Crystal said that is a great suggestion and she can easily add this functionality to the website.
o Nancy asked about including legislative information and resources along with call to action information. Crystal agreed this could be added to the website.
o It was asked how the Commission will get the word out about the website and Crystal suggested the Commission gather the team to review the website and things they would like to add and partner with other organizations in the community to promote the website.

Item 5. Winter Call to Action – Community Needs:
o Carissa Ron, Homeless Outreach Coordinator, and Sydney May, Data Specialist for the Harm Reduction Division with Fargo Cass Public Health Department, presented on the needs of the homeless community during the winter season. They provided a list of items that are needed by the Downtown Engagement Center (DEC), including hats, gloves, boots, socks, hand warmers and bus passes.
o When asked where donations can be dropped off, Carissa and Sydney said donations can be dropped off at the DEC or the Gladys Ray homeless shelter.
o When asked if there is a virtual link for the donation list, Carissa said she can send the link to the Commission.
o It was asked if the shelters allow pets, and Carissa said not that she is aware of; however, they are working on it.
o There was discussion on what could be done to help the unhoused with pets.
o It was asked how many people are currently being served by the DEC and the winter warming shelter, and Carissa said the DEC averages 80 to 100 people per day, and the winter warming shelter averages 37 people per night.
o Carolyn asked how the City is working to find permanent housing for homeless people, and Carissa said City staff are working to connect people with resources such as IDs, birth certificates and case managers. They are also working with partner organizations that can provide assistance.
o There was discussion on the FargoOne app where people can notify City of Fargo staff of someone camping or living outside.

Item 6. MLK Day:
o Frederick updated the Board on the event.
o Zoe walked through the process of nominating a business, adult or youth for the HRC award.

Item 7. Administrative update:
o No updates

Item 8. Announcements:
o Sekou talked about having a monthly social media HRC chat.

Item. 9. Public comment:
o No public comment.

Next meeting:
o January 16, 2025 at noon.

o The meeting adjourned at 12:53 o’clock p.m.

Note: These minutes are a summary of the key points discussed during the meeting. For a more detailed record, refer to the audio recording of the meeting.