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September 21, 2023 Minutes


Regular Meeting: Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Regular Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, September 21, 2023.

The Human Rights Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Cody Severson, Sekou Sirleaf, Nancy Boyle, Hon. Carolyn Becraft, Cheryl Schaefle, Kristin Nelson, Xavier Welty, Ritchell Aboah

Absent: Jacqueline Dotzenrod, Zoe Absey

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair Severson welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda
Member Boyle moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented, second by member Schaefle. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Approve Order of Minutes
Member Schaefle moved the Order of June and August Minutes be approved as presented, second by member Becraft. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Exiting Members Recognization
Chair Severson and the HRC members recognized and presented a plaque to former members, Barry Nelson and Sarah Boonstoppel.

Item 5. Welcoming New Members and Introductions
Chair Severson and current Human Rights Commission welcomed new members, Kristin Nelson, Zoe Absey, Xavier Welty and Ritchell Aboah.

Item 6. Update from Fargo Police Department on Hate Group Activities
Fargo PD Captain Ahlfeldt provided brief overview of activities related to the Nationalist group Patriot Front and how they are affecting the City of Fargo. The group is a white nationalist group and spread ideologies through propaganda, and vandalism.

Item 7. Sub-Committee Restructure Update
Chair Severson encouraged members to think of sub-committees they would want to serve and further discussion will take place in the upcoming working session. Sub-committees as follows:
• Education Awareness Committee
• Crisis Response Committee
• Legislative Activities & Updates Committee

Item 8. Staff Updates
No Updates.

Item 9. Announcements
Chair Severson share information on an upcoming LGBTQ+ Summit hosted by North Dakota Human Rights.
Member Sirleaf shared information on
Member Nelson shared information on an upcoming event at the Carlson Library on Saturday, September 23rd, from 3p to 5p. Hosted by Project RAI.
Member Boyle shared information on awareness that occur in the month of October.

Item 10. Public Comment
Citizen Barry Nelson congratulated the new HRC members. Nelson discussed in support for the current lawsuit against Patriot Front.

Item 12. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 12:30p.m.