Human Relations Commission - February 15, 2018 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Thursday, February 15, 2018
A regular meeting of the Board of Human Relations Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held at the City Commission Room at City Hall at 12:00 o’clock p.m., February 15, 2018.
The Human Relations Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Rachel Hoffman, Abdiwali Sharif-Abdinasir, Timothy Stone, Barry Nelson, Cheryl Schaefle, Dave Lanpher
Absent: Laetitia Hellerud, Paul Jensen, Hassan Lamba
Also Present: Kara Gloe (City of Fargo), Vince Kempf (Cultural Liaison Police Officer), John Strand (Fargo City Commissioner), Adam Martin (F5 Project)
Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair Hoffman welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Item 2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Mr. Nelson moved to approve the agenda and minutes. Mr. Sharif-Abdinasir seconded. All members affirmed aye and the motion passed.
Item 3. F5 Project: Adam Martin
Mr. Martin introduced the work the F5 Project does across the state of North Dakota to help people transitioning out of the prison system set up for a successful life. He stated the biggest challenges they face are employment and transportation. Mr. Martin talked about the current zoning codes in Fargo that are prohibitive. Ms. Hoffman stated that the Fargo Human Relations Commission could help with advocating for updated zoning codes.
Item 4. Public Comment
Several women told the Human Relations Commission about the treatment they are receiving as employees of Walmart. Mr. Nelson stated that the Fargo Human Relations Commission doesn’t have an enforcement capacity, and further recommended that we refer to the women to the labor department. Ms. Gloe and Mr. Sharif-Abdinasir volunteered to help these women write their statements for the labor department.
Item 5. 2018 Budget
Ms. Gloe stated that Executive Committee could not come to a census for where cuts should be made in order to have some money for sponsorship applications.
Mr. Nelson moved to reduce the recurring sponsorships for the Metro Mayor’s Disability Luncheon, the Fargo Police Picnic, LSS Building Bridges Conference, and Pangea to $250 each. Mr. Lanpher seconded. All members affirmed aye and the motion passed.
Ms. Hoffman stated that any recurring sponsorship recipients can apply for additional funding.
Mr. Strand stated that he is advocating that the Fargo Human Relations Commission’s budget come out of general funding as opposed to the social services funds.
Item 6. Inclusion Planning Update
Ms. Hoffman stated that a small steering committee has started meeting to do Inclusion Planning. She stated the work is in the very beginning stages.
Mr. Strand talked about the Kirkwood, Missouri, Human Rights Commission, as it specifically has some enforcement mechanisms. Mr. Lanpher asked what keeps the City of Fargo from passing a non-discrimination ordinance. Ms. Crutchfield stated that as a home rule city, we have the legal ability to pass such an ordinance. Mr. Strand asked to have the Kirkwood, Missouri ordinance and the response from Erik Johnson shared with the Human Relations Commission.
Item 7. Other Business
No other business.
Item 8. Adjourn