
Housing & Redevelopment Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Housing & Redevelopment Authority - October 9, 2018 Minutes

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held on October 9th, 2018, at 1:30 PM in the Main Conference Room, 325 Broadway, and Fargo, North Dakota.

FHRA Staff Present
Jill Elliott, Steve Eickhoff, Amy Rissmann, Tracy Lunak, Sheree Spear

FHRA Board Members Present
Michael Leier, Bryce Alme-Johnson, Tonna Horsley,Thomas Jefferson

Consent Agenda
Additions to Consent Agenda

Representatives from Eide Bailly presented their report of the 2017 audit.

RESOLUTION #2018-10-01
Horsley/Jefferson BE IT RESOLVED, the FHRA October 2018 Consent Agenda is approved.

Additions to Agenda

The regular meeting adjourned for a Public Hearing to review the Capital Plan and 2019 Annual Plan. No one from the public arrived to attend the meeting. The Public Hearing closed, and regular Board Meeting resumed.

Due to the focus of the activities of the audit, there are no financial reports currently. Finance Manager Ms. Lunak provided an income statement to the board.

Deputy Director
Ms. Elliott reported updates from the latest Resident Advisory Board (RAB). The RAB approved the proposed changes to the Annual Plan for Admin/ACOP policies. First participants for the Mainstream Voucher program will start on 11/1/18, with a final count of 50 new non-elderly, disabled households who were facing institutionalization or homelessness. New partnerships with other property management groups are being pursued. FHRA continues to work on the HUD Multi Family disposition with the city, state, and HUD offices.

RESOLUTION #2018-10-02
Leier/Jefferson BE IT RESOLVED, the Capital Plan and

2019 Annual Plan for is approved.

Old Business
Lashkowitz High Rise redevelopment
After conducting reference checks, FHRA sent in its resident relocation services bid. We are asking BDO/Casterline to do an evaluation to analyze ways redevelopment would affect the Central Office Cost Center.

New Horizon update
Updates are tabled for November meeting.

Executive Director job title amendment
Item is tabled for November meeting.

New Business
RAB Meeting updates
Item was explained during Deputy Director’s report. The Resident Advisory Board approved the changes to the Annual Plan for Admin Plan (Section 8), Admissions (Public Housing), and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP).

The next meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2018 at 1:30 PM.