
Housing & Redevelopment Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Housing & Redevelopment Authority - January 10, 2017 Minutes

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held January 10, 2017 at 1 :30 PM in the Main Conference Room, 325 Broadway, and Fargo, North Dakota.

FHRA Staff Present
Lynn Fundingsland, Jill Elliott, Amy Rissmann, Scott Noeske, Fiona Rostad, Kris Visness and Michael Brady

FHRA Board Members Present
Michael Leier, Karen Moore, Thomas Jefferson, Bryce Alme-Johnson (via phone)

Consent Agenda
No additions to the consent agenda

Resolution #2017-01-01
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda amendments , Jefferson/Alme-Johnson
BE IT RESOLVED, the Consent Agenda is approved

New Business
2016 Tenant Write Offs
Mr. Noeske explained the status of the 2016 Tenant Write Offs.

Resolution #2017-01-02
Motion to approve 2016 Tenant Write Offs, Leier/Johnson
BE IT RESOLVED, the motion to approve 2016 Tenant Write Offs is approved.

December Meeting
There were five items from for board consideration from the cancelled December Board Meeting. They were:

1. Motion to approve verbiage that provides clearer language as to the full intent of the motion. This is to satisfy the lender we are working with on the land loan.

2. Motion authorizing the Executive Director to enter a Recipient Agreement with the City of Fargo to receive a CDBG grant in the amount of $500,000.

3. The Bureau of Labor statistics are presented in the packet. They have calculated a 1 %increase consumer price index for our area. The City does their COLA adjustment in July and they adopted a 2% increase for the year, the Mayor calling it "competitive wage adjustment." The material from the DOL shows energy costs this past year have had a big downward influence on the CPU. If we look at today's news, we see that oil is on the rise again and Lynn has seen projections that put it back at $100 per barrel in the fairly near future. The management request is for the board to consider a 2% COLA increase for 2017 in anticipation of a higher than present CPU and too, to keep us reasonably competitive in the wage department.

4. The Clay County HRA has acted as a third part reviewer of respondents to an RFP FHRA sent out for project based vouchers. BSI was the only respondent to the RFP and Clay County recommends awarding vouchers to Sisters Path and to North Sky 3. The management request is to have the board concur with making those awards.

5. Management request the board to approve a request to HUD that will allow a sale
(inventory reduction) of the sliver of land at the High Rise that is needed for the floodwall. The Cass County Water Resource District has tendered an offer to purchase and we ask you direct the Executive Director to accept the offer pending approval by HUD. We have discussed this in the past meetings and the District is sticking to the appraised amount as their offer.

Resolution #2017-01-03
Motion to ratify items for board consideration, Jefferson/Alme-Johnson

BE IT RESOLVED, the motion to ratify items for board consideration from the cancelled December 2016 meeting is approved.

2017 Budget Review
Mr. Noeske presented the 2017 Budget. Ms. Moore asked to bring 2016 budget and trend information to the February meeting for comparison.

Old Business
New Horizons/RAD Progress
Mr. Fundingsland explained the RFPs for equity investment and permanent financing for the New Horizons Project. To retain the credits, FHRA needs to spend 10 percent of the grant in this year.

High Rise Progress
FHRA received new projections from our consultant in directing a feasible way that we can rehab the building. FHRA previously could not assemble enough capital to rehab the building. With changes in tax credits and rates for financing plus doing a rolling rehab versus totally vacating the building, it is now financially feasible to do a rehab. If tax credits rates are awarded November of 2017. We would look at late summer 2018 to start construction, which will take about 18 months.

Mr. Leier asked about what potential barriers to plan for the rehab of the High Rise building. The biggest variable may be the value of the tax credits. Another big variable will be what type of commitment we will get from our new leadership after the elections at the both the state and federal level.

30th Ave Land Acquisition progress
Closing on 1 /20/17

Core Values Update
Ms. Rissmann reported that the Department Portfolio Managers took their positions as of 12/26/17. These managers are scheduled to attend several trainings to help them understand housing programs and to help them manager people effectively. An employee appreciation party was held on 1 /6/17. Ms. Rissmann continues to work on streamlining payroll processes which includes implementing an electronic time clock.


Mr. Noeske presented the financial reports. He reviewed the income statement actual to budget and discussed the differences. Mr. Noeske also reviewed the balance sheet actual to last month and discussed the changes in cash position.

Capital Projects
Mr. Eickhoff was not present at the meeting but his report was included in the packet for board review. For Scattered Sites additional capital remodels are underway. Work on RAD continues for Capital Fund. REAC inspections of 14-4 is scheduled for 3/27/17 and 3/28/17.

Deputy Director
December to January was very busy with the Yardi conversion. Portfolio Manager candidates were interviewed and promoted. Tier I Continuum of Care Grants were announced and awarded from HUD. All current grants were funded, however, SPC was cut substantially. Project Based Voucher awards for Sister Path and North Sky were awarded with the use of an Independent Entity of Clay County Housing Authority. Caseloads for the Voucher Portfolio to even out
caseloads to under 300 per case manager.

Medical Respite Program: Lois from Sanford and Jill Elliott did an online presentation for Grand Forks Medical Professionals who will partner with Gr Forks HA. Participated in the Homeless Memorial March on December 21, which is the longest night of the year.

Ms. Elliott is actively working with Mt Plains NAHRO to plan the Community Development and Homeless tracts for the Regional Conference in Vail, CO in May. Ms. Elliott's three year term on the ND CARES Governing Board is done this month.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for
February 14th, at 1 :30 PM.