Tax Exempt Review Committee - September 26, 2023 Minutes
Fargo, North Dakota
Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 26, 2023
The September meeting of the Economic and Development Incentive Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 26, 2023.
The committee members present or absent are:
Members Present: Dave Piepkorn, John Cosgriff, Mayor Mahoney, Jim Gilmour, Michael Splonskowski, and Lucas Paper.
Members Absent: Jessica Ebeling, Levi Bachmeier
Others Present: Jackie Gapp, Robert Wilson
Commissioner Piepkorn called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes Approved
A motion was made by Mayor Mahoney to approve the minutes from August 22, 2023. John Cosgriff seconded. Motion carries.
Time Extension for J Street Apartments
• Jim Gilmour explained that they are in need of a 3 month extension, in hindsight more time should have been allotted. There was a fire on this sight and it needed a considerable amount of clean- up. The city also had to put in two adjacent streets.
• Mark Bjornstad commented that the bulk of the issues stemmed from the beginning. Substantial price increases caused them to get new bids. Working to be done on the original timeline, but asking for an extension just in case they don’t meet that deadline.
Mayor Mahoney moved to approve, seconded by John Strand motion carried.
A Letter for Support for Wave Water Park Project
• Jim Gilmour stated it is a letter that authorizes them to apply to the ND Opportunity Fund. The city must support it before the ND Opportunity Fund will accept their application.
John Cosgriff moved to approve, Lucas Paper seconded, motion carried.
Request for Tax Exemption for Corvent
• Jim Gilmour an application that was approved by this committee as well as the City Commission. The original location is not working out.
• Ryan Aasheim stated this was a project that was in front of the committee in April and was approved for a PILOT. The original space did not work out, so they are looking at a space in the PRACS building. The project remains the same.
• Richard Walsh stated that the company builds medical ventilators. Worked out a better financing deal with the PRACS building. They will go from 3,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet. Originally from Southern California. Moved here because of business climate.
Lucas Paper moved to approve, Mayor Mahoney seconded, motion carried.
Request for Tax Exemption for Dakota Air Part
• Jim Gilmore stated that they currently operate at the Fargo Airport (Occupy 12,000 square feet). Would like to expand to former Solid Comfort warehouse in South Fargo.
• Ryan Aasheim this project is choosing Fargo vs. Arizona. They would like to grow their footprint in Fargo.
• Curtis and Barbara McConn established their business in 1997. They both have an aviation background and have a need for additional space. They specialize in Legacy model helicopters.
• Curtis and Barbara have been working with Dr. Nygaard at NDSU for many years and have two interns that are still employed with them.
• They came to ND for real estate purposes. Were currently in Phoenix as they are an aviation hub.
Lucas Paper moved to approve, Mayor Mahoney seconded, motion carried.
Update on Growth Plan
• Kim Citrowski from City of Fargo Planning and Development. She stated that the Growth Plan studies the physical growth of our community through the completion of a future land map that outlines the priority areas of growth.
• Started in 2000
• Fargo had major growth in 2007
• 3 phases:
o Review Pans and Studies
o Chosen Path Forward
o Growth Management Plan
• Mayor Mahoney brought up garage vs. open surface parking and ask if there will be recommendations. Yes, there will be.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:43pm.