Economic Development Incentives Committee - July 25, 2023 Minutes
Fargo, North Dakota
Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The July meeting of the Economic and Development Incentive Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, 2023.
The committee members present or absent are:
Members Present: Dave Piepkorn, John Cosgriff, Jon Eisert, Mayor Mahoney, Jim Buus, Jim Gilmour Jessica Ebeling, and Lucas Paper.
Members Absent:
Others Present: Jackie Gapp and Levi Bachmeier
Commissioner Piepkorn called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Policy Discussion on Public Private Partnerships
• Jim Gilmour
• Finite geographic site for the city
• Look to see where higher density would be feasible
• 6 different criteria- Added 2 more
o Public Benefit (0-50 points)
o Property Value Increase (0-50 points)
o Need for Public Assistance (Pass/Fail?)
o Design (0-25 points)
o Infrastructure (0-25 points)
o Competition with other development (0-50 points)
o Tourism (0-25 points)
o Economic Impact (0-25 points)
• Commissioner Piepkorn- Street Level vs. Ramp Parking
o Lucas- not pay for the whole thing and pay for the difference
o John Cosgriff- benefit cost ratios would have to be supported to the additional tax added on.
2/3 has to generate additional taxable value that goes on into perpetuity
o Commissioner Piepkorn- Is there certain areas where this will be the focus
Yes, there will be
• Brewhalla’s parking
• Economic impact tool will be available to evaluate specific projects
• John Cosgriff- Incentive will be granted per year. Building 2 by year 3, if not you will pay full taxes.
• What would be the timeline of meetings?
o Commissioner Piepkorn would not like to expedite this. Others would like meetings to happen earlier than once a month.
• Commissioner Piepkorn would like have opportunity for public comment. Also would like planning and development and developers to attend next meeting to have open communication.
Discussion will be continued to the next meeting Tuesday, August 15th.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:37pm.