
Community Development Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Community Development Committee - August 20, 2019 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 20, 2019.

The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Jim Johnson, Linda Klebe, Michael Redlinger, John Gunkelman, Samantha McDonald, Ken Enockson, Thomas Hill (United Way), Melissa Rademacher (DCP)

Absent: Sami Eidenschink (HBA FM), Matthew Pike

Item 1. Welcome
Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda
Member Johnson moved to approve the Order of Agenda as presented. Second by Member Gunkelman. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of June 18, 2019
Member McDonald moved the minutes of the June 18, 2019 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Member Johnson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.

Item 5. CDBG/HOME Updates
a. Approve Amendments Proposal: APPROVED
Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth presented the proposed amendments to the 2019 Action Plan that identify the scope, location, and budget for previously approved projects. She noted we are currently in the 30-day public comment period, and the proposed amendments will go before the City Commission at the August 26 meeting.

Member Johnson moved to approve the proposed amendments as presented. Second by Member Enockson. On call of the roll Members Klebe, McDonald, Johnson, Gunkelman, Redlinger, Enockson, Rademacher, and Strand voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Eidenschink, Hill, Mahoney, and Pike. The motion was declared carried.

Member Hill present.

b. Affordable Senior Housing Development Proposals: APPROVED
Director of Planning and Development Nicole Crutchfield provided details and addresses of the two proposals received.

Member Mahoney present.

She noted that we are seeking to have both requests approved, but at a lower amount than requested for Beyond Shelter. She explained that lowering the threshold amount would allow the projects to be noticed and the process to move forward.

Discussion was held on the Craig Properties project and the status of their application in the zoning and platting process. Member Gunkelman noted that only two couples attended the neighborhood meeting.

Dan Madler and Chris Miller, Representatives of Beyond Shelter, spoke on the proposed reduced funding for this year, and noted they do not have any concerns to move forward at this time with the proposed dollar amount and will continue with the remaining amount for their 2020 application.

Member Johnson moved to proceed with the 2019 Action Plan amendment to incorporate the following projects: $350,000 at 3129 7th Avenue North, 114 units, to begin Fall 2019 (acquisition); $347,826 at 4225 28th Avenue North, 39 units, to begin June 2020 (construction), subject to any grant rules as administered by the HOME program. Second by Member Redlinger. On call of the roll Members Gunkelman, Hill, Rademacher, Klebe, McDonald, Redlinger, Mahoney, Enockson, Johnson, and Strand voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Pike and Eidenschink. The motion was declared carried.

Item 6. Staff Updates
a. Social Service funds update and CD Division calendar for Fall 2019
Ms. Crutchfield provided an update of the 2019 5-year consolidated plan process, and the (RFQ) Request for Qualifications for a consultant that will be closing on August 23. She noted that due to the tight timeframe there is a back-up plan, and that this is a great opportunity to set a path forward for the next 5 years regarding the implementation of federal funds.

Discussion was held on the Social Service application process, developing a needs assessment, using the funds in areas that will make the most impact, developing a restructured timeline, the success of last year’s subcommittee, and continuing the subcommittee.

b. House moving and available vacant lot inquiry (Roosevelt Neighborhood)
Ms. Crutchfield noted that an inquiry was posted seeking vacant lots available for purchase in the City of Fargo Core Neighborhoods for the purpose of relocating homes. She shared the City does not want to compete with builders or buyers, and there are not many lots available for this purpose.

Discussion was held noting the City Commission approved a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) district for the Roosevelt project, and the expense of moving the two homes would not be cost effective.

c. LDC Diagnostic Code Plan and Core Neighborhoods Plan Updates
Ms. Crutchfield stated that Lisa Wise Consulting was chosen as the consultant for the LDC (Land Development Code) Diagnostic Code Plan, and will be teaming with SRF Consulting out of Bismarck.

She noted the deadline for the Core Neighborhood Plan update is August 23, and a selection committee will then be selected. She indicated a timeline to kick off work for the LDC project in October and the Core Neighborhood project in December.

Item 7. Announcements & Interests
a. Update of Community Land Trust
Member Strand provided an update on the FM Area Foundation formation of the Cass Clay Community Land Trust. He noted that the City of Fargo has committed seed money toward the project, there is an interim Board of Directors, and that the goal is 105 single family homes in the first 5-years of the launch.

b. United Way Notice of Funds Available
Member Hill presented on behalf of the United Way. He shared they are working on a 3-year investment cycle to reduce hunger and homelessness in our community, and a priority to reduce homelessness for youth and families. He stated they are accepting any organization that is interested in applying for funding and working together on these goals.

c. Downtown Master Plan – Community Development Division Activities
Ms. Crutchfield provided an updated on work being done with implementing items from the Downtown Master Plan, noting that the first priority is a day shelter. She shared that conversations have been happening regarding a site location.

Member Rademacher shared the importance of educating the public on the Downtown Master Plan and action items being worked on.

Item 8. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:33 p.m.