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Community Development Committee - October 16, 2018 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 16, 2018.

The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Jim Johnson, Linda Klebe, Samantha McDonald, Shara Fischer, Matthew Pike, Melissa Rademacher (DCP), Thomas Hill (United Way)

Absent: Michael Redlinger, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Ken Enockson, Sami Eidenschink (HBA FM)

Item 1. Welcome
Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meetings of August 21 & September 18, 2018
Member Hill moved the minutes of the August 21 and September 18, 2018 Community Development Committee meetings be approved. Second by Member Johnson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. 16 8th Street South (Moler Barber College) – Storefront Rehab
Assistant Planner Kylie Bagley presented the application and background information. She noted that the application was denied by the Historic Preservation Commission as presented with the applicants intent to resubmit updated renderings to the Historic Preservation Commission.

Applicant Joel Jaeger spoke on behalf of the application. He noted the suggested updates from the HPC, Historic Preservation Commission, and that the HPC was supportive of the project.

Member Johnson moved to approve the application contingent on approval from the Historic Preservation Commission. Second by Member Hill. On call of the roll Members Fischer, Klebe, McDonald, Hill, Pike, Rademacher, Johnson, and Strand voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Mahoney, Enockson, Eidenschink, and Redlinger. The motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Neighborhood Concerns
a. Code Enforcement/Inspections
Planning Director Nicole Crutchfield shared that the 2019 budget included a staff person in the Inspections Department to focus on code enforcement and serve as a case navigator.

b. Code Enforcement Task Force
Ms. Crutchfield noted that the City has a Code Enforcement Task Force that meets quarterly to look at overlaying codes and issues. She shared that the task force includes members from a variety of City Departments that collaborate together.

Item 5. Working Group for CD Grants
Ms. Crutchfield provided an update of the timing of the Social Service application process. She noted a handout was provided to the Board overviewing the separation of CDBG and Social Service Funds.

Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth shared that the application has been updated and will be available online during the application period. She noted that she will be the staff contact for questions.

Discussion was held on the application review process, being the most impactful with the funds, the types of requests being received, and the process for notifying entities about the application.

Members Hill, McDonald, Klebe, Johnson, and Rademacher were appointed to serve as the working group for this year. Member Klebe will serve as the Chair.

Item 6. Emergency Homeless Sheltering Preparations
Ms. Crutchfield noted that coordination talks between the Public Health Department, responders, shelters, and City Administration have occurred. She shared that there are more beds available this year due to new projects.

Item 7. Staff Updates
a. 506 Broadway North (Cowboy Jacks) – Storefront Rehab: Withdrawn

Item 8. Special Assessment Assistance
Ms. Braseth noted that the process of the Special Assessment Assistance program needs to be updated to be compliant with HUD and how CDBG funds are used. She shared that the future intent to fund this program will be to use Social Service Funds.

Item 9. Public Comment
No public comment was given.

Item 10. Other Business
Member Pike inquired about the 506 Broadway North project. Ms. Crutchfield confirmed the application for the storefront rehab was withdrawn, and she noted the applicant was working out other project details.

Ms. Crutchfield noted the intent to schedule a Brown Bag meeting with City Commissioners to provide CDBG, Community Development, and Social Services updates.

Ms. Crutchfield shared the intent to hold a joint Brown Bag luncheon meeting with the Planning Commission and Community Development Committee.

Item 11. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:45 p.m.