
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - February 14, 2020 Minutes

Regular Meeting: February 14, 2020

Opening: Noon, Virtual Meeting, Robin Nelson called the meeting to order
Present: Amy LaValla, Rick Steen, Robin Nelson, John Strand, Mike Thorstad, Kayla Nelson, Lyn Telford
Others Present: Melissa Perala, Grant Larson, Larry Anenson, Heidi Lako-Adamson MD, Lori Sall
Absent: Chelsey Matter

Approval of Minutes: Meeting Minutes were approved (December 13th and October 18th), with attendance amended on December 13th.

Announcements: Grant Larson is sitting in for Desi Fleming. Introducing new board members. Kayla Nelson is filling in the Medical Provider she is from Family Healthcare (she does refugee health and Hep C and substance abuse treatment) and Amy LaValla who is our new Behavioral Health Representative and she is from Lakeland Mental Health (she works with therapy, substance abuse and anxiety). The rest of the board and attendees introduce themselves.

Budget: Melissa Perala
End of December for revenues and expenses ended well. Revenues at 99.7% and expenses at 97.7%. Revenues in 2019, wanted to mention the $110,000 that we were going to get from community partners but we ended up getting $290,000 so we didn’t need their participation. For 2020 we will be receiving another $290,000 so we will have adjustments for that.

Server Training: Larry Anenson
Increased class size and this year we are doing afternoon classes. It has been very successful because it is before these individuals go to work. The Board of Health and Law Enforcement both have reaffirmed their support of Fargo Cass Public Health teaching server training and doing alcohol compliance. They did an evaluation on the training in 2019. Preston Nesemeier is the staff member who does VIP (Victim Impact Panel) and server training and he did an evaluation on server training. In 2019 he took over this role. Preston Nesemeier: The evaluation runs from January to December of 2019. Server Training is put in place to detect and deter underage drinking. Servers handle fake and false IDs. There have been 67 classes held. There are large trainings in the Oak Room at Fargo Cass Public Health and there have been private trainings at establishments. If over 20 individuals at an establishment need training we will do a private class with the Police Department. There have been 2,503 servers trained and 41 online renewals. We have increased the class size and started doing afternoon. We had evaluations done post-training. Server Training results:
1) for pre-registration 95.6% strongly agree or agree that it is quick and efficient 2) the sign-in process was quick and efficient 96.3% strongly agree or agree that it is quick and efficient, 3) appropriateness of the content 98.1% strongly agree or agree, 4) for class met my needs for knowledge and expectations: 98.4% strongly agree or agree, 5) class taught me how to identify minors 96.3% strongly agree or agree, 6) ID checking procedure helpful 99.1% strongly agree or agree, 7) emphasized the importance of monitoring for intoxication 96.8% strongly agree or agree 8) taught intervention techniques for intoxicated customers 98.7% strongly agree or agree 9) both ND and MN server laws clearly presented 99.2% strongly agree or agree, 10) instructor easy to follow 98.6% strongly agree or agree, 11) presented information in a way that allowed the participant to focus on material 99.1% strongly agree or agree. Nobody wishes that it was online the interaction is important. Most people want to go back and interact with the police officer. John Strand: what are the consequences if a server doesn’t get trained? Preston Nesemeier: you have 90 days after hire to get trained, but if they don’t there is no penalty (for individual or business). The auditor’s office has been talking about the penalty structure so businesses become compliant.

Update of T-21 Federal Law. Larry Anenson:
Federal Government has passed a 1.37 trillion dollar spending bill that raises the minimum age to 21. The age change became effective on December 20, 2019, which means it is now a federal violation to sell to a child under the age of 21. Does not have a phased-in or grandfathered effect. No military exemptions. Have been working with City Attorney to update our city ordinance to match federal law. This includes vaping liquids and e-cigarettes. John Strand invited David Owen from Ecig City and Sports Vape to address the Board of Health. He presented the industry perspective. He addressed flavors, city ordinance effect on tax revenue, black market THC, Vitamin E acetate, and international ports bringing in devices. Robin views that this is a public comment.

Flood activities update: Doug Murphy
He talks about long term care facilities, homeless individuals, hospitals, and group homes. We want to augment them so they can take care of their individuals. We get an ND cache of durable emergency equipment. We keep maintained lists of individuals in long term care facilities so we know what condition they are in so we know where to evacuate them and how we can. For example, if a bariatric or dialysis needing person needs to be evacuated we need to know that so we can move them appropriately and get them to a care facility that can handle that. We can’t always cross state lines. Then at the end of the crisis, we need to get these individuals back to their facilities without having to go through a lot of stress or reapplication. Speed and property is not the concern, life safety is our number one concern.

Meeting adjourned: Meeting is adjourned by Robin Nelson
Next Meeting: April 17, 2020