
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - October 19, 2018 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Friday, October 19, 2018

Present: Chris Anderson, MD; Vern Bennett, Chelsey Matter, Robin Nelson, John Strand, and Lyn Telford
Absent: Mike Thorstad
Others Present: Larry Anenson, Justin Bohrer, Justine Dorf (MSUM Student), Desi Fleming, Tana Lohse (MSUM Student), Preston Nesemeier, Suzanne Schaefer, and Kim Vance

Chelsey Matter, Chair called the meeting to order.

Approve Minutes from August 17, 2018: John Strand made a motion to approve the August 18, 2018 minutes. Robin Nelson seconded and motion carried.

New BOH members: Robin Nelson, Fargo Public Schools Representative, and Lyn Telford, Community Representative, introduced themselves and gave background information.

Environmental Fees Increase: Desi said Grant could not be here today. Environmental fees will be increasing five percent for next year. Gave historical background on increases.

NALBOH (National Association of Local Boards of Health) Membership Renewal ($300/year): Desi wanted to know if the board members found this membership valuable. Discussed if this is a resource, contacted other public health agencies, annual conference, and will revisit next meeting.

Chris Anderson gave a heartfelt thank you by honoring his mother Linda Anderson, who is retiring after 41 years with the health department.

Budget: Desi said if you have questions, we could make notes and email as well. Talked about higher expenditures because some grants ending and some starting, and explained we are on calendar year.

Health Officer Update: Dr. Lako Adamson has started with us but has been out on leave for a month. We did get the necessary standing orders and emergency orders signed. Explained the RFP process and the community work that Dr. Lako does and have been in contact via email.

Legislative Topics: Desi had sent out a handout from the SACCHO organization that public health belongs to that bring issues on our behalf stateside. Tobacco Tax: Preston Nesemeier and Larry Anenson informed the Board of Health about the proposed resolution to raise tobacco tax by another $1.50 per pack of cigarettes ($1.94 total). All other tobacco products (cigars, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc.) would be taxed by a proportional amount. Talked about tobacco being the leading cause of death, ND being one of the four cheapest tobacco tax states in the nation, and according to the 2014 U.S. Surgeon General Report, increasing tobacco taxes have proven highly effective in preventing tobacco initiation by youth. Question on where funds will be used, staff role of education, lobbying, public statement, and staff contacting legislators on personal time were discussed. Discussed vaping products in length as use by children has become an epidemic, youth risk survey, and nicotine is a drug and is addictive. Robin Nelson made a motion to approve the Resolution to Raise the North Dakota Tobacco Tax. Lyn Telford Seconded and motion passed with John Stand in opposition. 2018-04 Public Health Funding: Chris Anderson made a motion to support 2018-04 Public Health Funding, Robin Nelson seconded and motion passed. Initiated Measure No. 3: Chris Anderson discussed providing education and was concerned with recreational use, messaging, safety concerns and how measure was written. Chris Anderson made a motion to not support Initiated Measure No. 3. Lyn Telford seconded, and motion passed with John Stand opposing.

All Staff Survey/Performance Management: Justin Bohrer discussed receiving an Action Plan after our accreditation Site Visit. We are in the process of completing the Action Plan now. Discussed how we are working to be more formalized with our documentation. Agency plans including workforce development, quality improvement, performance management, and goal setting will be shared with the Board of Health to assist in Performance Management activities. Circulated copies of customer satisfaction survey with QR code, which is focused on improving our performance with customers and ensuring that special needs, translation, hearing needs are considered in working with those individuals. Also talked about employee survey and discussed results.

Homelessness: John Strand is chair of Community Development and wanted to do planning to anticipate the winter weather struggles for emergency shelters for the homeless.
Vern talked about the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon panel and challenges of the faith community.

2019 Meeting Schedule: Distributed tentative 2019 schedule.

Next Meeting: December 14, 2018