Board of Adjustment - May 28, 2019 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Adjustment of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 28, 2019.
The Members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Deb Wendel-Daub, Matthew Boreen, Russell Ford-Dunker, Michael Love, Mark Lundberg
Absent: Mike Mitchell
Chair Love called the meeting to order.
Item 1: Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 23, 2019
Member Wendel-Daub moved the minutes of the April 23, 2019 Board of Adjustment meeting be approved. Second by Member Lundberg. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: New Business
a) Variance Request – 610 18th Avenue South: APPROVED
Request for a variance of Section 20-0501 of the Land Development Code. The requested variance is to allow a building addition to encroach into the required interior-side setback area within the SR-2, Single-Dwelling Residential, zoning district.
Assistant Planner Maggie Squyer presented the staff report and reviewed the criteria used during staff’s analysis of the application. Ms. Squyer stated staff is recommending denial, as the review criteria (a) and (c) have not been met.
Applicant Joey Dawson spoke on behalf of the application.
Discussion was held on the distance of the proposed structure to the adjacent property structures. Member Boreen noted the need to follow code if a firewall is required depending on structure proximity.
Member Wendel-Daub moved to approve the variance to allow a building addition to encroach into the required interior-side setback area in the SR-2, Single-Dwelling Residential, zoning district. Second by Member Boreen. Upon call of the roll Members Wendel-Daub, Boreen, Lundberg, and Ford-Dunker voted aye. Member Love voted nay. Absent and not voting: Member Mitchell. The motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Other Business
a) Staff update on the Land Development Code Diagnostic Study and Core Neighborhoods Plan
Planning Coordinator Aaron Nelson provided an update on the Land Development Code Diagnostic Study. He reviewed the history of the study, the scope of work, and the timeline, noting that there is currently a Request for Proposal open.
Mr. Nelson also provided an overview of the Core Neighborhoods Plan, including the general study area, scope of work elements, and preliminary schedule timeline. He noted the high amount of interest in the study sharing that public and stakeholder participation would be very important.
The Board discussed how these plans would work with the Fargo Comprehensive GO2030 Plan and the need for the Land Development Code Diagnostic Study to work in communication with the Core Neighborhoods Plan.
Item 4: Adjournment
Member Wendel-Daub moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 a.m. Second by Member Boreen. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.