
Ambulance Service Oversight Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Ambulance Service Oversight Committee - May 10, 2019 Minutes

Committee Members Present: Vicky Black, Essentia Health; Steve Dirksen, Fargo Fire Department; Desi Fleming, Fargo Cass Public Health; Heidi Lako-Adamson, F-M Ambulance and Fargo Cass Public Health; Julianna Lindgren, Veterans Administration; Tim Meyer, F-M Ambulance; Sherm Syverson, Sanford Health; David Todd, Fargo Police Department
Committee Members Absent: Mayor Tim Mahoney
Others Present: Rick Cameron, F-M Ambulance; Jason Eblen, F-M Ambulance; Toby Jezzard, Essentia Health; Kathy Lonski, F-M Ambulance; Chad Mickelson, F-M Ambulance

Committee Chair Steve Dirksen called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.

Announcements: None

Approval of November 9, 2018 minutes: Lako-Adamson moved to approve the minutes of the last Ambulance Service Oversight Committee on November 9, 2018 minutes as presented. Second by Meyer. All members present voted aye and Dirksen declared the minutes approved.

Data Review, Response Time, Transport Destination:
Eblen reported that in response to a request at the last committee meeting he included additional data for each month in the data packet. In addition to the graphs on Dispositions by Reason and Top 10 Clinical Impressions by Reason normally included, Eblen included graphs on Top 5 Clinical Impressions by Destination and Top 5 Clinical Impressions (Transported Patients) Destination Decision. Eblen pointed out the data indicates that by a large margin patient choice is the main reason for destination decision for each of the top five clinical impressions. The group reviewed the data included in the packet; Dirksen commented that the data is consistent with what has been reported since the start of the committee. Eblen reported that response times for the reporting period of February, March and April continued to be above goal times. In February 96.83%, in March 97.23% and in April 98.67% of response times were under five minutes. Dirksen asked F-M Ambulance to provide information in the future on the length of time from when RRRDC receives a call to when F-M Ambulance receives the dispatch in order for the committee to have a better understanding of the overall response time.
Other Updates:
Meyer reported National EMS Week begins on Sunday, May 19. An event for the public is planned on Tuesday, May 21 at Urban Plains Park. The ambulance, fire and police services will be there to meet the public and display their vehicles. Mickelson reported that Fargo Marathon week begins on Monday, May 13. F-M ambulance along with Fargo Fire and Police will be stationed throughout the each of the marathon routes. Mickelson reported that FM-Ambulance will be pre-positioning an ambulance in southwest Fargo for the next several months to mitigate response delays due to the wide reaching road construction and closures scheduled for the summer in the area. Syverson congratulated F-M Ambulance on their 60th anniversary.
Lonski reported that during the Save a Life Saturday event, the Kiwanis Pancake Feed and the Home and Garden Show 800 people were trained in hands only CPR. In addition, Lonski reported that approximately 500 CPR Anywhere kits were distributed to those willing to teach hands only CPR and over 2,300 people have been trained to date using the kits.

Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for August 9 at 9:00 am. in the Commission Chambers.
Dirksen will not be able to attend and asked Fleming to chair the meeting.