
Ambulance Service Oversight Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Ambulance Service Oversight Committee - May 11, 2018 Minutes

Present: Health Officer John Baird, Fire Department Steve Dirksen, Essentia Health Toby Jezzard, FM Ambulance Medical Director Heidi Lako-Adamson, Veterans Hospital Julianna Lindgren, FM Ambulance Senior Executive Director Tim Meyer, Sanford Health Sherm Syverson, Chief of Police David Todd, and Director of Fargo Cass Public Health Ruth Roman
Absent: Mayor Timothy J. Mahoney;
Other: F-M Ambulance Rick Cameron, F-M Ambulance Jason Eblen, F-M Ambulance Chad Mickelson and F-M Ambulance Brett Wigglesworth

Ruth Roman called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Ruth welcomed everyone. Tim Meyer introduced himself and gave his background. Fargo is the busiest ambulance service in North Dakota. Ruth announced her retirement in September. Dr. Baird is retiring August 31 from Health Officer but will still be the Cass County Coroner.

Approval of February 9, 2018 minutes. Steve Dirksen moved to approve the minutes, David Todd seconded and motion passed.

Data Review, Response Time, Transport Destination: Jason said we have been busier. Discussed detox mobile outreach, increase of overall percentages, more facility transports, 96.6 percent is an excellent level of response, 90 percent of calls within nine minutes, do 100 calls a day now, 34,000 calls a year, new coding system, new vendor for State of North Dakota, and Fire department has started to track providers.

Other updates: Veterans Administration is transitioning to a new area and increasing by two beds. Talked about type and volume of visits.

Police Chief Todd asked if F-M Ambulance had a strategic plan for growth. Talked about reviewing unit hour utilization (UHU), historical trends, predictive analysis, waiting for new hospital data, and consistent upward trending means adding ambulance crew within three months.

Steve Dirksen reported about a program he learn about that has been implemented in Colorado Springs. He discussed a model and task force for reducing behavioral health calls involving police, fire, public health, and faith based groups. He asked Ambulance Oversight Board to identify key personnel that could travel for two or three days to Colorado Springs to meet with their task force and shadow them in the hope of developing a similar program in Fargo. The Colorado Springs Fire Chief stated that this program has lessened 911 calls and serves community better.

Steve discussed at length the increase in lift assist calls for his department at health care facilities. Talked about corporate policies, staff issues at facilities, reimbursement models, and making sure we are doing the right thing being good stewards of resources.

Next Meeting Date: August 10, 2018