
News Release

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Mayoral Proclamation - Government Communicators Day 02.21.25

The City of Fargo and the surrounding metro-area recognizes and celebrates governmental communication professionals.


View the signed Mayoral Proclamation for Government Communicators Day

WHEREAS, The role of government communications professions is to inform, educate and engage their communities; and

WHEREAS, Robust communication in government creates trust and inspires residents to take action and be involved; and

WHEREAS, Government communications create relationships and calls to action, build awareness andunderstanding through storytelling, engage and foster engagement on civic issues and use all channels toinclude people in critical decisions; and

WHEREAS, It is essential to have strong communications in government because it is a foundational element of living in a democracy where citizens have the freedom to make their voice heard; and

WHEREAS, Our communities are proud and has deep gratitude and recognition for government communicators’ professionalism, dedication, hard work, commitment, enthusiasm and sacrifice;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That We, Timothy J. Mahoney, Mayor of Fargo; Shelly Carlson, Mayor of Moorhead; Bernie Dardis, Mayor of West Fargo; Chad Olson, Mayor of Dilworth; Tony Grindberg, Cass County Commission Chair and Jenny Mongeau, Clay County Commission Vice-Chair do hereby proclaim February 21, 2025, to be


in the Counties of Cass and Clay and Cities of Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo and Dilworth and encourage all residents to thank governmental communicators who have dedicated their careers to ensure their community has effective, impactful and successful communication strategies that resonate and are relevant.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of The City of Fargo, North Dakota, to be affixed this 21st day of February, 2025.